Bill Berryhill Surges in AD 26
Ceres Unified School Board Member and farmer Bill Berryhill is continuing his march through the 26th district (disclosure: Berryhill is a client) by racking up endorsements of all the GOP Supervisors in San Joaquin County along with former Assemblyman and congressional candidate Dean Andal. Supervisors Leroy Ornellas, Ken Vogel and Larry Ruhstaller add to a formidable endorsement list that includes the GOP power structure in Stanislaus County as well as local GOP Senators Dave Cogdill and Jeff Denham. The 26th district is currently held by Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian, who is running for the 5th Senate District.
There were early rumblings of democrats hoping to find a viable candidate to contest this nearly even registration seat until Berryhill emerged strongly. Due to his formidable name identification advantage, 200K warchest and agricultural background it is extremely unlikely that a viable candidate will emerge. Even with all those disadvantages, there is one more disadvantage that a democrat nominee would face: Bill Berryhill’s strongest support will come from Stanislaus County and for any democrat to win they must win Stanislaus County… Read More