FR Friend Patrick Moir Checks In – Is the Nevada Caucus for Real?
Longtime GOP Activist Patrick Moir, who toiled here in the Golden State for many years, now calls Nevada home. He sent this missive over, worthy of sharing with FR readers…
As Sunday night comes to a close, I’m in my house in Las Vegas reviewing the upcoming week and next weekend and realize that the Nevada Caucus is coming up on Saturday. I have received nothing from the Nevada Republican Party about the caucus, its location or how it works. I visited their website after seeing a small ad in the local paper and learned that I need to go to a high school a few miles away "for my precinct caucus."
I’m also surprised candidates have so little interest in my vote. As a 3 of 4 Republican male (I didn’t vote in the city general election that had only a municipal court judge on the ballot in Summerlin), I would expect to be contacted as much as Shirley Horton’s campaign spoke to people in the 2004 election, but I have… Read More