Guv Visits Redding, No On 93 Trojan Horse Visits Chico
A busy day in NorCal as the Guv visited Redding this afternoon, an event put together in conjunction with Rotary Club and Redding Chamber Of Commerce. I wasn’t there as we had Ag Committee this aft, but the reports were that the Guv talked approx 90% about the budget, the need to curtail spending and amend the budget process, essentially driving the points made in State of the State and the Budget release press conference. Those conservative points played well with the very fiscally wise north state audience. The Q & A wasn’t too rocky for the Guv but one restaurateur that I know wondered with the employer health care tax and mandates on menus, etc."when will it end?" Also, a question about dumb gun control law solutions in search ofa problem. [I love my constituents.]
Earlier, the No On Prop 93 Trojan Horse visited Chico in my home county of Butte. Now we didn’t have any Greeks such asFabian Nunezethenes or Don Peratapoulos leap out and attack the Chico City council chambers or such, but we [Butte County supervisor Curt Josiassen, the FR’s own Brandon Powers who isa No On 93 staffer, and myself] did talk… Read More