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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Guv Visits Redding, No On 93 Trojan Horse Visits Chico

A busy day in NorCal as the Guv visited Redding this afternoon, an event put together in conjunction with Rotary Club and Redding Chamber Of Commerce. I wasn’t there as we had Ag Committee this aft, but the reports were that the Guv talked approx 90% about the budget, the need to curtail spending and amend the budget process, essentially driving the points made in State of the State and the Budget release press conference. Those conservative points played well with the very fiscally wise north state audience. The Q & A wasn’t too rocky for the Guv but one restaurateur that I know wondered with the employer health care tax and mandates on menus, etc."when will it end?" Also, a question about dumb gun control law solutions in search ofa problem. [I love my constituents.]

Earlier, the No On Prop 93 Trojan Horse visited Chico in my home county of Butte. Now we didn’t have any Greeks such asFabian Nunezethenes or Don Peratapoulos leap out and attack the Chico City council chambers or such, but we [Butte County supervisor Curt Josiassen, the FR’s own Brandon Powers who isa No On 93 staffer, and myself] did talk… Read More

Jill Buck

‘A McCain Hater’s Case for McCain’

David Freddoso from the "The Corner" on National Review Online posted this today. I had to share it, because California is so incredibly impacted by the immigration debate, and this letter makes an important point about McCain’s stance on immigration:

From a reader in the active-duty military:

Put me in the camp of those who have reluctantly come to believe that McCain is the candidate to support in the Republican primary. If I could annoint a candidate, it would be The Fred. I actually care passionately about immigration and free speech, and I really didn’t think I could forgive McCain for his positions on those issues, but here is my reasoning:

1) McCain-Feingold: while it seems like it should be unconstitutional, in practice, it has proven to be pretty easy to work around. Even a poorly financed candidate like Huckabee has been able to get his message out.

2) Immigration: for all his faults, I think McCain will be a man of his word in this respect: he has agreed toRead More

Mindy Fletcher

Primary Politics

It really is déjà vu all over again for me. I am pretty sure we have been here before. So why are the media and everyone else acting like it’s the first time?

Every four years the same things happen. Some candidates compete in Iowa and New Hampshire and some don’t. There is a huge build up to Iowa, even though at the end of the day only a few of the major contenders are competing there. They pick the safe, conservative, strong-family, candidate, who sometimes isn’t the national frontrunner. Everyone acts shocked. Then they scramble to explain what might have happened – even though it is the same thing that happens every four years. Tom Harkin won Iowa for the Democrats in 1992 and Dick Gephardt in 1988. Bob Dole won for the Republicans in 1988 and in 1996 when and barely won there over Pat Robertson, who subsequently won New Hampshire, when Dole went on to become the nominee.

Then we are off to New Hampshire where another candidate is up in the polls. It is the non-traditional candidate. Shocker. The people of “Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death” are supporting John McCain, for the second time. Does that really surprise… Read More

Mike Spence

LA Police Chief in Playboy. Ugh!

LAObservedhas somesnapshots of LA PoliceChief Bratton’sinterview in Playboy. So if you get it for the interviews….. you can read about his liberal bent.Read More

Jim Battin

Why Republicans Should Support Prop 93

To avoid the easy criticism that this post is just a shameless attempt by a termed-out legislator to get another term – let me start right off by admitting that, yes – if Prop 93 passes it would allow me to run for another term. (** full disclosure **) If we chose to, it would allow me (proud recipient of the FlashReport Senator of the Year Award)– and Tom McClintock (conservative living legend) –and Dick Ackerman (Senate Republican Leader) – and George Runner (author of Jessica’s Law) – and Dennis Hollingsworth (conservative SenateBudget Vice-Chair)… Read More

Tab Berg

Romney Wins in Michigan: 3 states, three different far

In three match ups on the GOP side, there have been 3 different winners – Huckabee in IA, McCain in NH, and now Romney in MI.

If Thompson pulls off a win in SC, and Giuliani wins in FL (either is possible) – then I’ll have to take back my early comment about CA’s early primary being just about the Legislators Job Protection Act (also known as Prop 93), because CA and NY might be the bi-coastal "deciders" on the GOP side…but still…to quote the Bakesfield Californian, "No on Prop 93 – don’t swallow this Baloney."

Here’s an excerpt from C&E:

Romney Wins Michigan Primary Shane D’Aprile, Jan 15, 2008

In what amounted to a must win for his… Read More

Tab Berg

Is Ose in for CA-04???

Although there has been no announcement (and I have no inside information here) the Republicans of the River City endorsed Doug Ose for Congress at their meeting tonight (1-15-2008).

Ose is member of the club, which meets in the Ose room at KVIE (local public TV station) , so it’s hardly breaking news that they would endorse him. But if he was not running, he could probably have stopped it as well.

Word on the street is that Ose has put a team together – headed by McNally Temple Associates – and has lined up his media spokesperson, fundraiser and pollster.

Ose, who was first elected to Congress after a tough race against then-Assemblywoman Barbara Alby, is the former California Chair of the Republican Mainstreet Partnership — a moderate group headed by Charles Bass (former NH Congressman) that frequently tangles with the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Call’s Drucker: GOP Scrum for Doolittle¹s Seat Coming

GOP Scrum for Doolittle¹s Seat Coming

By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff

January 15, 2008

With Rep. John Doolittle (R-Calif.) now out of the race, Republicans in the solidly conservative 4th district are jockeying for position to replace him ‹ setting the stage for a primary battle that could split California¹s House GOP delegation.

One potential scenario features a grudge match between rivals Rico Oller and former 3rd district Rep. Doug Ose ‹ with moderates in the delegation siding with Ose and conservatives backing Oller, a former state Senator. Oller finished ahead of Ose¹s sister, Mary, in the 2004 3rd district GOP primary to replace Ose but a close second to the upset winner, now-Rep. Dan Lungren (R).

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