Posted by Barry Jantz at 12:00 am on Jan 20, 2008 Comments Off on On Any Sunday San Diego: The Chargers and Ron Paul, the Changing Media, Maienschein and More
Destiny Schmesticy… Many San Diegans will
care less about anything political today, if they did care
before, in favor of the biggest Chargers game since 1995.
Heck, many regular church-going folk will even fore-go that for the
morning, or at least be seen at an earlier service so as to get to
a TV by noon.
Although the Chargers are playing the AFC Championship against
the 17-0 Patriots — a team of destiny, some say — there is no doubt
that San Diegans are united in hope and excitement. The odds
makers say this is a long shot, the Pats in the midst of one of the
greatest seasons in NFL history, maybe the greatest.
None of this has dashed the hopes of local fans. "On any
Sunday…" the saying goes.
Politically,the town’s united passion is like that of a
Ron Paul supporter, ignoring the polls, discounting the odds,
looking only to their belief in a potential outcome that says the
pundits are wrong, but the world is alright.
The Decline of the Trad Media and
the Rise of the… Read More