A New Year……..a new tone?
Last year was the most contentious and acrimonious that I have seen in the 3 different legislative bodies in which I have served. I think this was intentional on the part of Speaker Pelosi who believed that the new majority Democrats could roll over minority Republicans and a weakened lame duck President. She felt that this strategy would accomplish much and result in improving popularity for the new majority as they stared down the president and his party. Pelosi was wrong. Congress ended the year with a record-low near single digit approval rating, less than a third of the much-maligned approval rating of President Bush. Furthermore, only one of her vaunted "6 for ’06" issues actually became law. And, many of the benchmarks upon which Democrats ran in 2006 are now worse since they have been in power. There are more troops in Iraq now than before Pelosi became speaker. And gas prices are near record highs while the economy is sputtering amid deficits, which after 4 years of decline, may now start to increase again. It’s a pretty dismal record regardless of whether you agree with the Pelosi agenda or not. So, will Pelosi and Reid… Read More