Sac Bee Backs McCain!
Greetings, Flash Report Buddies! It’s a great day to be a California Republican…the Sacramento Bee recommends Senator John McCain in the upcoming GOP primary! We were fortunate to have the Senator at the CRP convention in Indian Wells last year, and thanks to my fellow FR flasher, Tom Ross, I got to meet the Senator. I’m so proudof the Senator’sresilience and statesmanlike campaign…he makes me proud to be a Reagan Republican! I love the way he reaches out to all Republicans in his speeches, and not just the ones working on his campaign. He’s a unifier. Here’s what the Sac Bee has to say:
The Bee recommends: McCain For GOP, a nominee of principle – Published 12:00 am PST Saturday, January 19, 2008 With no incumbent in the 2008 presidential race, the American people (and the Republican Party) face a clean break from the eight-year Bush presidency. That makes John McCain the clear choice for us. As a senator with 20… Read More