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Jon Fleischman

Fred Thompson – Candidate No More

Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson this afternoon pulled the proverbial plug on his candidacy for the White House.

He issued a brief statement.

"Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people." I know few Thompson supporters who did not share with me, privately in most cases, on how underwhelmed they were with Thompson’s performance.

One the the challenges about being an actor by profession, is that there is a high expectation that you will act… Presidential.

In the end, emulating his character from Law & Order, D.A. Arthur Branch, did him in.

As to where his supporters, especially, in the key battleground state of Florida end up? We’ll see!

I’m sure our two Thompsonites here in FR-land, Senator Jim Battin and former Managing Editor Nicholas Romero, will add… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Rohabacher endorses Mitt Romney

This morning Congressman Dana Rohrabacher announced his endorsement of the Presidential candidacy of Mitt Romney. He’s penning something for FR readers that goes into his reasons why, but we want to let you know asap.

Wonder if any more of the Congressional delegation (many of whom are on the sidelines) will endorse in the final days?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

California’s GOP Presidential Delegates are NOT Proportional

Our Golden State Presidential primary is quickly approaching — it’s just two weeks from tomorrow. In fact, to many Californians, election day has come and gone as so many now vote by absentee ballot! It seems like most people understand that the California Republican Party has changed the way that delegates are allocated — and that we are no longer a state where whomever gets the most votes statewide is awarded all of our delegates. No, this system which ensured that former Governor Ronald Reagan took 100% of California’s delegates to the 1976 convention in an effort to challenge President Gerald Ford is no longer in place. Or is it? Back in the 2000 election cycle, many years ago, a change in the system was made by the State GOP with the hope that a new system would infuse more energy and activism into the Presidential primary in California. The idea was that if California was "in play" to figure out a way for Presidential contenders to come and campaign here — even if they could not afford the tremendous costs associated with a statewide effort here. I remember a lot of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California’s GOP Presidential Delegates are NOT Proportional

Our Golden State Presidential primary is quickly approaching — it’s just two weeks from tomorrow. In fact, to many Californians, election day has come and gone as so many now vote by absentee ballot! It seems like most people understand that the California Republican Party has changed the way that delegates are allocated — and that we are no longer a state where whomever gets the most votes statewide is awarded all of our delegates. No, this system which ensured that former Governor Ronald Reagan took 100% of California’s delegates to the 1976 convention in an effort to challenge President Gerald Ford is no longer in place. Or is it? Back in the 2000 election cycle, many years ago, a change in the system was made by the State GOP with the hope that a new system would infuse more energy and activism into the Presidential primary in California. The idea was that if California was "in play" to figure out a way for Presidential contenders to come and campaign here — even if they could not afford the tremendous costs associated with a statewide effort here. I remember a lot of… Read More

Barry Jantz

On Any Sunday San Diego: The Chargers and Ron Paul, the Changing Media, Maienschein and More

Destiny Schmesticy… Many San Diegans will care less about anything political today, if they did care before, in favor of the biggest Chargers game since 1995. Heck, many regular church-going folk will even fore-go that for the morning, or at least be seen at an earlier service so as to get to a TV by noon.

Although the Chargers are playing the AFC Championship against the 17-0 Patriots — a team of destiny, some say — there is no doubt that San Diegans are united in hope and excitement. The odds makers say this is a long shot, the Pats in the midst of one of the greatest seasons in NFL history, maybe the greatest. None of this has dashed the hopes of local fans. "On any Sunday…" the saying goes.

Politically,the town’s united passion is like that of a Ron Paul supporter, ignoring the polls, discounting the odds, looking only to their belief in a potential outcome that says the pundits are wrong, but the world is alright.

The Decline of the Trad Media and the Rise of theRead More

Jill Buck

Sac Bee Backs McCain!

Greetings, Flash Report Buddies! It’s a great day to be a California Republican…the Sacramento Bee recommends Senator John McCain in the upcoming GOP primary! We were fortunate to have the Senator at the CRP convention in Indian Wells last year, and thanks to my fellow FR flasher, Tom Ross, I got to meet the Senator. I’m so proudof the Senator’sresilience and statesmanlike campaign…he makes me proud to be a Reagan Republican! I love the way he reaches out to all Republicans in his speeches, and not just the ones working on his campaign. He’s a unifier. Here’s what the Sac Bee has to say:

The Bee recommends: McCain For GOP, a nominee of principle – Published 12:00 am PST Saturday, January 19, 2008 With no incumbent in the 2008 presidential race, the American people (and the Republican Party) face a clean break from the eight-year Bush presidency. That makes John McCain the clear choice for us. As a senator with 20Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Jon Coupal: Taxpayers Are Being Set Up

We are pleased today to feature a special guest commentary from FR Friend Jon Coupal, who is President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and is a frequent contributor to this site:

As taxpayers are bombarded daily with bad budget news, they are fastening their seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Sacramento admits to a $14 billion deficit over the next 18 months and even this may turn out to be a conservative estimate. And right on cue, the tax and spend lobby has increased the pitch of its whining for higher taxes.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Romney Steamrolls In Nevada

Following on the heels of the strong Michigan victory, the Mitt Romney campaign has leveled the field in Nevada. With over 50% of the vote to himself, it shows the momentum is picking up. The McCain third place effort in this Western state, behind Ron Paul, has to be a concern to that campaign.

With 3 states won, the most Republican votes in all states, the most delegates accrued [59 for Mitt to 17 for McCain and 1 for Guiliani], Mitt Romney is fast becoming the conservative standard bearer for the Republican nomination.… Read More