My Mailbox 13 Days Out
I thought I’d take a little time each day and let the readers know what POLITICAL mail my household gets each day, and givingeach piecea grade (two categories: Slates and Mailers).We are Republican absentee voters and have not cast our ballots yet. The only mailwe’ve gotten before today, I believe,is a slate from the California Republican Party and a campaign mailer from Presidential candidate Ron Paul.
Today we got three pieces:
‘Vote NO on 94,95,96,97’ paid for by Californians Against Fair Deals. Good piece – very clear. I give it a firm MAILER B.
‘California Voter Guide’ slate mailer. No on the 93 through 97, Yes on 92. You have to love the front which says "Save Our Term Limits No on 93 – Its a Fraud That Actually Lengthens Politicians Terms". I think this is a Tim Carey slate, which usually means quality. I give it a SLATE B+.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Ballot Proposition Guide slate mailer paid for by the California Republican Party. OK this thing is 8 full pages will an additional card to be torn off to be taken to the polls. Over the past few… Read More