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Jon Fleischman

AppWatch: “Arnold appointed who??” – Cynthia Dellums

Due to enough e-mails, I have decided to consent and once again start writing more about Governor Schwarzenegger’s appointments. So as they come out (usually weekly), I will look them over and pick one to highlight. I should add that I didn’t have enough fingers on my left hand to count the number of Democrats that he appointed to the bench (including one to the prestigious Court of Appeals) last Friday.

Anyways… Cythnia Dellums…

I don’t think there is a family that truly hates and despises the American system of capitalism more than the Dellums family of Oakland. As a longtime Member of Congress, Ron Dellums frequently trashed America, and openly considered himself to be a leader of the "socialist caucus" within the Democrat Party back there.

So it is comforting to know that Dellums, now the Mayor of Oakland, is celebrating the appointment by our Republican Governor of his wife, Cynthia, to the Commission on the Status of Women.

No doubt thrilling news for the fine activists of the Alameda County GOP…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Asm. Mike Duvall: Grade Separation Funding Gets a Failing Grade

Recently I was chatting with Assemblyman Mike Duvall. As has been the case many times since he was sworn in the legislature just over a year ago, he was sharing we met yet another story of how our state government bureaucracy seems to be specifically designed to be dysfunctional. In the case that the Assemblyman outlines below, he is actually going to try and do something about it. I asked him to pen something for FR readers, so here it is… While the topic of "grade separations" isn’t sexy, this is just one of a pile of examples of how messed up things are in Sacramento…

GRADE SEPARATION FUNDING GETS A FAILING GRADE By Assemblyman Mike Duvall (R-Yorba Linda)Read More

Carl Fogliani

Assemblyman Guy Houston Endorses Romney

The surge of Republican support for Governor Mitt Romney continues as Bay Area / Central Valley Assemblyman Guy Houston has endorsed Romney. Romney’s support continues to grow as conservatives unite behind the most electable Republican candidate (Disclosure: I support Governor Romney).

Houston stated the following in endorsing Romney "Governor Romney has provided a real blueprint to how he would protect our economy. His recipe of lower taxes for low-wage earners, rewarding savings and giving businesses the tools to invest and provide jobs is a real winner. I am proud to endorse him to be our next President."

Houston has long been a champion of business and job creation bills during his tenure in the State Assembly. As a former member of the Jobs and Economic Development Committee he advocated lower taxes and use of credits to reward companies reinvesting in California jobs.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Jon Coupal – Prop. 93 – Election Fraud

We are pleased today to feature a special guest commentary from FR Friend Jon Coupal, who is President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and is a frequent contributor to this site:

In 1990, voters fed up with career politicians who had learned to game the system to perpetuate their careers and live a lavish lifestyle passed Proposition 140 to limit Assembly members to three, two-year terms and State Senators to two, four-year terms.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown — who often behaved like the emperor of California — and his allies fought back, taking their case for an unlimited length of service all the way to the State Supreme Court.

**There is more – click the link**

View FullRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Jon Coupal – Prop. 93 – Election Fraud

We are pleased today to feature a special guest commentary from FR Friend Jon Coupal, who is President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and is a frequent contributor to this site:

In 1990, voters fed up with career politicians who had learned to game the system to perpetuate their careers and live a lavish lifestyle passed Proposition 140 to limit Assembly members to three, two-year terms and State Senators to two, four-year terms.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown — who often behaved like the emperor of California — and his allies fought back, taking their case for an unlimited length of service all the way to the State Supreme Court.

I know Proposition 140. I successfully argued in defense of Proposition 140 before the Court. And Proposition 93, being falsely advertised as a further reduction in terms, is no Proposition 140.

Proposition 93 on the February ballot is a fraud designed to allow all current members of the Assembly to serve an additional sixRead More

Jon Fleischman

The Million Dollar Man

U.S. Representative Jerry "The King of Pork" Lewis is officially the Million Dollar man. Why? Because his costs in legal fees to deal with an ongoing federal investigation has now cost him over a cool mil. Check it out here.

(h/t CfG Blog)… Read More

Jim Battin

It Ain’t Easy Being Green

Today was a big day for me. To go along with my guilt cleansing, super-nifty carbon credit certificate I bought the other day – LiveNeutral (my carbon credit vendor) also sent me a car decal!

Woot! Isn’t it "earth friendly" looking? ———————————————->

Now I can show the world my 2005 Lincoln Aviator is carbon neutral – and drive without a care in the world.

All this for $45 – what a deal.

Now this slick sticker got me thinking……how come when I’m driving my non-polluting, carbon free Aviator with my sticker on it, I can’t drive in the diamond lane like those polluting, non-carbon free Prius’ do?

That’s right, if you didn’t already know – the legislature passed a bill a couple of years back… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox 11 Days Out

Only one political mailer in the box today — amailer from the California Republican Party: Yes on 94 through 97. Proposition 93 isn’t mentioned.Features a letter by Republican State Senator Tom McClintock. Looks to me like a JohnsonClark piece… but if I’m wrong feel free to point it out.

Comment from Valerie ‘I liked it – I haven’t been able to figure out what the 94 through 97 were all about or how to vote. Having McClintock on the piece make it clear.’ She gave it a MAILERB. I thought it was clear and cleantoo:MAILER A-.I graded it up from a B+ because I asked myself what I would have done different and couldn’t think of anything except to usea picture of CRP Chairman Ron Nehring in an ascot instead of a tie.

Again, to make clear, we consider a C the average mail piece or slate mailer. There has been some pretty good work this time around.… Read More