Bruce Herschesohn – Electing John McCain is Essential
When it comes to United States foreign policy, there is perhaps no one more respected for his expertise on the subject, at least by conservatives, than Bruce Herschensohn. These days, Bruce is a professor teaching over at Pepperdine University, with an office right near that of Law School Dean Kenneth Starr. FlashReport Managing Editor Nicholas Romero and I had an opportunity to sit down with the conservative icon for the better part of an hour yesterday, courtesy of the John McCain for President campaign.
To say that Bruce is an ardent supporter of John McCain would be an understatement. As you will see from the interview below, Bruce feels that with the post 9-11 state of affairs around the world, foreign policy expertise and gravitas is reasons one through ten to suppport McCain.
Without any further introduction, here are Nicholas Romero and… Read More