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Jon Fleischman

Bruce Herschesohn – Electing John McCain is Essential

When it comes to United States foreign policy, there is perhaps no one more respected for his expertise on the subject, at least by conservatives, than Bruce Herschensohn. These days, Bruce is a professor teaching over at Pepperdine University, with an office right near that of Law School Dean Kenneth Starr. FlashReport Managing Editor Nicholas Romero and I had an opportunity to sit down with the conservative icon for the better part of an hour yesterday, courtesy of the John McCain for President campaign.

To say that Bruce is an ardent supporter of John McCain would be an understatement. As you will see from the interview below, Bruce feels that with the post 9-11 state of affairs around the world, foreign policy expertise and gravitas is reasons one through ten to suppport McCain.

Without any further introduction, here are Nicholas Romero and… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox 5 Days Out

I guess old Barry Jantz was right I missed a day of reporting on mail (Thursday) because I was on the road. Nothing came Thursday. Today though a large 12" x 12" 1 fold ‘Yes on Props 94-97’ arrived from their committee for my wife.

It was a really good looking piece. We both gave it an A for how it looked. But the trick, really, that it came addressed to HER.Even though my wife is a female,she is a conservative Republican. She read through the piece and right away said she didn’tlike a bunch of the people, or who they represented, in the pull out quotes. She said it made her more likely to vote NO than YES.She gave it a D on targeting. Even though the piece was not addressed to me, I read it and read it first. I happen to know and like Lani Lutar from the San Diego Taxpayer’s Association so I pretty much ignored the other endorsements and was pretty content with my A vote until Valerie pointed out the mailer really was for her and for her it didn’t work. So I’ll run with her D for targeting.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CRA: Warning! Huckabee is a Spoiler!

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Why I’ve Endorsed Mitt Romney

As a former supporter of Rudy Giuliani, I’ve gravitated now to Governor Mitt Romney and have endorsed him as of today. First, my reasons for opposing McCain:

He’s a demagogue on the Bush tax cuts, which saved the post 9-11 economy, and uses class warfare rhetoric; Wrote an amnesty bill and a completely unworkable overhaul of the immigration system; Crafted an anti-free speech campaign finance bill, McCain Feingold; Believes in "climate change", which is a fraud; Opposes exploration for our OWN oil in ANWAR, while we finance terrorism in theRead More

Jim Battin

Health Care and Kids… Let’s See How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent

Here’s a follow-up on the Waste Watch I posted the other day about the excesses of the First 5 program.

Our awesome Senate Republican caucus staff put the piece below together – but the real credit about exposing this abuse of the voter’strust goes to Senator Dave Cox. He’s been all over this issue for a long time.

Enjoy. __________

When the health care reform debate began in earnest at the State Capitol, well over a year ago, Republican legislators came to the table with a multitude of innovative ideas to solve many of the current and inevitable problems in California’s health care system. One of those, authored by Senator Cox (R-Fair Oaks), was to ask voters to reprioritize tobacco tax dollars currently collected under a 1998 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 10, … Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Romney California TV Spot

No details yet on where this is up… At 90 seconds, it’s long for tv… But then, it’s all what you can afford…. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Advice to MCain: Take Arnold East

I have been with Governor Romney (listen for our FR Podcast interview tomorrow), and only now am able to let readers know that Governor Schwarzenegger did, in fact, endorse Senator McCain this morning.

As an elected officer of the State GOP, I have not endorsed any candidate. But I will offer McCain some unsolicited advice. Since you are trying to garner conservative support in the final days, you should actually take Arnold on the road to other states, where his status as a celebrity will help your momentum. Here in California, “post partisan” Arnold has worked hard to alienate conservatives (after counting on their support in two statewide elections).

Senator, perhaps have your campaign strategists contact the folks trying to pass the Indian Gambling Compacts on the same ballot. They, too, are trying to move conservatives to support their cause. They’ve pulled their ads featuring the Governor…

Don’t get me wrong – good for you in receiving Arnold’s support. I just don’t think that he will be a good messenger to the very GOP voters you are trying to attract to your candidacy.… Read More

Tab Berg

Ose to run in CD 4

A couple of weeks ago, I noted that former Congressman Doug Ose had decided to run. Now it’s official…sort of. Ose is set to declare Friday in Auburn and has been seen at numerous events in the Roseville area over the past few weeks.

The Roundup carried the following report: "Meanwhile, Doug Ose has decided that the term limits pledge he upheld when he gave up his seat was not a lifetime one, meaning Rico won’t have an easy dance in the primary for John Doolittle’s seat."

A similar report ran in a Sacramento Bee story as well…

It looks like Ose has positioned himself well — he’s got $460,000 left in his Congressional campaign account; and two weeks ago, moderate Mike Holmes dropped out of the race. Holmes praised Ose in his statement to the press, leaving the impression he was clearing out in favor of Ose.

So it looks like another showdown between Ose and conservative former State Senator… Read More