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Tab Berg

Today’s Commentary: Hillary’s fuzzy leadership math

Watching the Democrat Presidential debate — which was decidedly soporific – I must admit to being confused: it’s Hilary’s math, you see, it just doesn’t add up.

She frequently proclaims that she’s the only candidate who will be ready to lead on day 1 – citing 35 years of experience and leadership fighting for change. But I’ve never really understood what her “35 years” included, so I thought I should look it up.

Turns out her math is as fuzzy as her positions on heathcare, immigration and Iraq.

**There is more – click the link**

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Mike Spence

Arkansas Republican Assembly endorses….. Mitt Romney

The Arkansas Republican Assembly, the official state affiliate of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies has endorsed Mitt Romney for President. Previously, the organization had endorsed Fred Thompson. With Thompson’s withdrawal the board voted to endorse Romney over the man they are very familiar with former Governor Mike Huckabee.

As ARRA President, Dr. Patrick Briney, an ordained Baptist Minister and prominent speaker in evangelical circles says in an expose of the Huckbaee record, “Arkansas conservatives know Huckabee. They have “been there, done that.”

Cross posted to Red County.Read More

Duane Dichiara

Happy Groundhog Day

As the light grows longer The cold grows stronger If Candlemas be fair and bright Winter will have another flight If Candlemas be cloud and snow Winter will be gone and not come again A farmer should on Candlemas day Have half his corn and half his hay On Candlemas day if thorns hang a drop You can be sure of a good pea crop… Read More

Meredith Turney

A New Member of the FR Team

Greetings, my fellow Flash Report readers!

I am Meredith Turney, the newest addition to Jon’s dynamic blog crew. I currently work as the legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Family Impact, California’s oldest pro-family public policy organization. Since my job is focused on the goings-on in the capitol, Jon graciously asked me to join the Flash Report and write about Sacramento political and policy issues. (I should probably warn you to prepare yourself for the inanity that I will no doubt post about as things just keep getting crazier in our capital city.) As a resident of Placer County (where there is much political intrigue at the moment), I will also report on local issues of interest. In fact, this afternoon I hope to bring you the latest news from the CRA’s local endorsing convention for the CD 4 race.

As an avid Flash Report reader, I am very excited to join the team of talented, influential individuals that already contribute. Thanks for the opportunity, Jon!… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox 4 Days Out

Nothing… Read More

Meredith Turney

CD 4 CRA Units Endorse Oller

While most political observers are focused on the Super Tuesday contest next week, there is an equally interesting race shaping up in California’s CD 4. This afternoon the five CRA units in the district held an endorsing convention in Placer County. In attendance were delegates from the Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, and Sacramento clubs. While all four candidates currently in the race were nominated, it was clear by the final result that Rico Oller is the favorite amongst conservatives. Oller easily obtained the 2/3 majority with 17 votes, Doug Ose and Eric Egland received 2 votes apiece, and Ted Terbolizard received no votes. None of the candidates were in attendance, nor were there representative from any campaigns.

A major bone of contention preceding this convention was the fact the March 7th filing deadline for the CD 4 race has not yet expired. In fact, more candidates could enter the race (although it is highly unlikely that any other “contenders” will at this point). However, for all the arguing before the convention, the issue was not raised during convention debate. Also receiving an endorsement for the 4th Assembly District seat was incumbent Ted… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Personal Moratoriums on Earmarks

While many Republicans are calling for a moratorium on Congressional earmarks, period, until the entire system can be overhauled to get rid of the abuse that is rampant in the doling out of federal funds for projects which are not objectively reviewed —it is certainly not the case that all Republicans support a moratorium. Infact, many (like our own Jerry Lewis) want to keep the"pork-train" running right on time..

I wanted to take a moment this morning to commend the following Congressional patriots, who have decided to lead by personal example. These Members of Congress who have declared their own personal moratorium on earmarks — they are requesting none…

The only Californian on this list so far is John Campbell. But we’re hoping that more of our Golden State MC’s will follow his lead…

HOUSE MEMBERS Jeff Flake (AZ-06) John Campbell (CA-48) Jeb Hensarling (

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Jill Buck

The Boss Quoted in Debra Saunders Piece on McCain

GOP – stronger or broader?Debra J. Saunders Thursday, January 31, 2008

Florida was big. Florida Republicans not only went for John McCain over Mitt Romney, but also, when you add the McCain vote (36 percent) to the now-withdrawn Rudy Giuliani vote (15 percent), you see a shift: A majority of Republican voters are straying outside the ever-pure conservative base. While conservative talk show hosts and a slice of the GOP base demand all-or-nothing from GOP candidates, Republican voters in general clearly understand that, in a democracy, the all-or-nothing equation has only one sure outcome: You get nothing.

Especially when your party does not represent the majority of voters.

In his gracious victory speech Tuesday night, Sen. McCain told Team Romney that "the margin that separated us tonight surely isn’t big enough for me to brag about or for you to despair." Wednesday night’s CNN-hosted Republican presidential candidates’ debate was more combative. At the heart of it lies a divide on how far a party should go. Asked which type of Supreme Court justices he wouldRead More