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Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox: Election Eve

One piece of mail (and several autodials some of which were very, very difficult to understand) hit the Dichiara mailbox today.Paid for by the Republican Party, its sort of a slate. Both Valerie and I liked it… it hits all the things that get our attention: McClintock, Poizner, Wilson statements and a whack at "Proposition 93 a Democrat Sponsored Sham". Well done art.. I think it is a JohnsonClark piece. B+, and good timing on delivery.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sen. Hollingsworth’s for Romney

Just off the transom from conservative State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth:

"The stakes are high in California’s Republican presidential primary Tuesday. The race has come down to two individuals who represent a stark contrast for Republicans and for the future of our country and our party. One has consistently shunned conservative ideals and partnered with liberals to further their left-wing agendas and undercut the ideals we hold dear. The other has run a cam paign based on conservative principles; low taxes to stimulate a robust economy, a strong national defense to defeat the threat posed by radical Islamists, and the sanctity of our borders and national sovereignty. That candidate is Mitt Romney.

I am endorsing Governor Romney today because I believe he will recognize that it is conservatives and their support for the conservative campaign ideals he has espoused that will give him his victory in the race for president. Mitt Romney is the best candidate to take America to a prosperous, secure and brighter… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Romney Commercial Worth Checking Out

This election seasonm may be most remembered for the great ads. Check out this one, released today by the Romney campaign, comparing John McCain to Hillary Clinton… It’s funny, at least until you really think about it… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: PODCAST: Interview with Senator John McCain

Super Tuesday is just days away, and nationally, as well as here in California, the GOP Presidential Primary field seems to have become a horse race between Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. While Congressman Ron Paul and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee are still in the race, they are definitely long-shots for the nomination.

On Friday, we ran our exclusive PodCast interview with Governor Romney. Today, I am pleased to present an interview with Senator John McCain.

Yesterday afternoon, Senator McCain called in from Alabama, where he was preparing to fly to Georgia – the life of a Presidential candidate! I had a chance to talk with the Senator about the War in Iraq, the challenge of dealing with the plague of Congressional earmarks,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mitt Romney To Appear At Public Rally Monday

Just in — GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney will be holding one last public rally in California before the Tuesday primary. It will be held at 7:30 p.m. right near Long Beach Airport. A flyer with all of the details is attached.

If anyone knows of other public appearances by the GOP candidates here in the Golden State in the final two day, pass that info along and we’ll post it up.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

PODCAST: Interview with Senator John McCain

Super Tuesday is just days away, and nationally, as well as here in California, the GOP Presidential Primary field seems to have become a horse race between Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. While Congressman Ron Paul and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee are still in the race, they are definitely long-shots for the nomination.

On Friday, we ran our exclusive PodCast interview with Governor Romney. Today, I am pleased to present an interview with Senator John McCain.

Yesterday afternoon, Senator McCain called in from Alabama, where he was preparing to fly to Georgia – the life of a Presidential candidate! I had a chance to talk with the Senator about the War in Iraq, the challenge of dealing with the plague of Congressional earmarks, and of course we talked about California, and his… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Peters, DeMaio, Fletcher, Wyland, Jeffries and more

An E-lection of Change… It was hi-lited on the main page yesterday, but SD Young Republican President Ben Avey’s piece in Friday’s Union-Trib deserves a local shout out as well. Ben nails it on the head about changing politics in the Internet age, and how young voters are both driving and engaging the medium. An excerpt:

Have you visited your presidential candidate’s Facebook or Myspace page? Have you watched a debate on YouTube? Have you blogged about your opinion only to be rebuked by a peer you have never even met? Many of you will say no, but check with your kids, because they will probably say yes. Read all of "An election of change."

Red County SD: Peters to Join the City Attorney Fray?… SD City Councilman Brian Maienschein’s announcement of a couple of weeks ago was… Read More

Meredith Turney

CD 4 CRA Units Endorse Oller

While most political observers are focused on the Super Tuesday contest next week, there is an equally interesting race shaping up in California’s CD 4. This afternoon the five CRA units in the district held an endorsing convention in Placer County. In attendance were delegates from the Butte, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, and Sacramento clubs. While all four candidates currently in the race were nominated, it was clear by the final result that Rico Oller is the favorite amongst conservatives. Oller easily obtained the 2/3 majority with 17 votes, Doug Ose and Eric Egland received 2 votes apiece, and Ted Terbolizard received no votes. None of the candidates were in attendance, nor were there representative from any campaigns.

A major bone of contention preceding this convention was the fact the March 7th filing deadline for the CD 4 race has not yet expired. In fact, more candidates could enter the race (although it is highly unlikely that any other “contenders” will at this point). However, for all the arguing before the convention, the issue was not raised during convention debate. Also receiving an endorsement for the 4th Assembly District seat was incumbent Ted… Read More