John McCain House Party at the Rexroad’s
Jenn and I just finished hosting a McCain House Party. We posted something on a few blogs and sent a press release to the local newspapers.
For a Friday night we actually had more people than you might have expected. The important thing was the kind of people that showed up. We had a retired Sailor that met McCain years ago, a passionate independent that doesn’t like politics but loves McCain, a young medical student from the Ukraine, and a local elected official that is a life-long Democrat.
Many of you will probably comment below about how you think John McCain is one thing or another. The one thing I’m sure of is that he is the only one that can beat Senator Clinton in November. The choice right now is not really between Romney and McCain. It is between McCain and Clinton.
The people that came to our home tonight left with stickers, lawn signs, and other stuff. They left me with the firm belief that John McCain is the only Republican that can win in November. The courts, the United States military, and the health care system of our country depend on his election.… Read More