CalChamber Goes 7 For 7 On Tuesday — Impressive
As I was reflected on the results of how all of the ballot measures fared in last Tuesday’s election, I was struck with a sense of déjà vu. No on 91. No on 92. No on 93. Yes on 94. Yes on 95. Yes on 96. Yes on 97. Then it struck me, and I looked back through my e-mails and sure enough, the California Chamber of Commerce put out a release urging ALL of these positions. Or, to put it another way, the CalChamber went seven for seven, or 100% on election day! All of the measures either passed or failed by pretty wide margins on Tuesday, with the exception of Proposition 93, that was so close that newspapers had to go to print for Wednesday morning without a definitive answer on whether it passed or failed.
Relative to that close measure… There is no doubt that in the hotly charged effort by legislative leaders to extend their own terms, the Chamber’s opposition to Prop. 93 made a big difference. No doubt… Read More