Posted by Barry Jantz at 12:00 am on Feb 06, 2008 1 Comment
Today’s SDUT has a list of Super Tuesday
Winners and Losers,which includes the
WINNER – Mike Huckabee: From a nobody
to household name in two months.
Rudy Giuliani didn’t make the list of losers, but of course he was
no longer in play yesterday, so likely not deemed eligible.
Yet, considering that Rudy for several months had placed every one
of his eggs in the Big Tuesday basket, aside from one large Grade
AAA for Florida, he might have still been considered.
Following the pattern used in the UT’s Huckabee wording noted
above, allow me to submit this…
LOSER – Rudy Giuliani: From a
household name to nobody in two months.
Seriously, though, will any candidate ever
again take the strategic risk of ignoring the early caucuses and
primaries in the delegate weak states, while focusing solely on the
big prizes, only to be left out of the headlines for weeks on end
in a crucial period?
Maybe not. Yet,… Read More