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Jon Fleischman

Roll Call: Conservative Hero McClintock Testing the Waters in Two California Districts

From today’s Roll Call Newspaper… Conservative Hero McClintock Testing the Waters in Two California Districts By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff Although it now appears likely that California state Sen. Tom McClintock (R) will run for Congress in the Golden State¹s 4th district, he has yet to completely rule out a primary challenge of Rep. Elton Gallegly (R) in the 24th district, according to a Republican insider familiar with McClintock¹s plans.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mayoral Race Heats Up in San Diego

I’ve gotton to know Steve Francis a bit. A successful businessman, we served together for a time on the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party. Francis was unsuccessful in 2004 in a bid for Mayor of San Diego, losing to Jerry Sanders.

Well, Francis is back. He has retooled his image for this next go-around, smoothing the edges a bit. We’ll keep an eye on this race, as San Diego is a huge city, and what happens there matters not only in that city, but in the region and the state.

Francis in this commerical below emphasis that he is taking no campaign contributions whatsoever. He is funding his entire campaign from his own (deep) pockets.

He’s now up on television with his first buy. You can see the spot below. He has purchased $200,000 in advertising for the next two weeks, and his campaign says that he will stay on the air through election day in June.

I guess by way of pushing his "independent" credentials (a label that must poll well with San Diego City voters), Fracis’ campaign volunteered that his ads are produced by the same company that works with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Craig DeLuz: 21st Century Republicans or 20th Century Democrats?

FR Friend Craig DeLuz sent in this thoughtful commentary, which I wanted to share with you…

21st Century Republicans or 20th Century Democrats? by Craig DeLuz “The Republican Party … is a broad party. There is room in our tent for many views; indeed, the divergence of views is one of our strengths. Let no one, however, interpret this to mean compromise of basic philosophy or that we will be all things to all people for political expediency.” – Ronald Reagan’s Address to the California Republican Assembly, April 1967Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill

State Senator Dave Cogdill (R-Modesto) has been elected by his colleagues as the new Senate Republican Leader. We here at the FlashReport extend our congratulations to Senator Cogdill, and also would like to praise Dick Ackerman for the years of outstanding service he gave to his caucus and his party during his years in that position.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

White Smoke From Senate Republicans…The New Leader

Senator Dave Cogdill of Modesto, the new Republican Leader. He is a strong leader on developing new water for California and for firm fiscal restraint, as well as unquestioned integrity, a great choice. Congratulations Dave!

[Publishers Note: We here at the FlashReport extend our congratulations to Senator Cogdill, and also would like to praise Dick Ackerman for the years of outstanding service he gave to his caucus and his party during his years in that position. – Flash]

UPDATE: FYI, there will be a transition period, with Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman passing the torch officially on 4/15.Read More

Jon Fleischman

What they are saying about the new Senate GOP Leader

What they are saying about the new Senate Republican Leader: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger:

I congratulate Senator Dave Cogdill on his election as leader of the Senate Republican caucus. I have had the pleasure of working with Senator Ackerman over the past three years and he has been a great leader for the people of California. I look forward to continuing this partnership with Senator Cogdill as he assumes this leadership role and working with him and all my Republican colleagues to tackle the important issues facing our state.

Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman:

A smooth and orderly transition of leadership is important during this time of budgetary challenges. Dave’s commitment to fiscal responsibility, taxpayer protection and public safety clearly represent the values of the Senate Republican Caucus he was elected to lead. IRead More

Matt Rexroad

Dave Cogdill, A Great Republican and a Good Person

[Publisher’s Note: Knowing that FR correspondent Matt Rexroad has a longstanding professional relationship with Senate Republican Leader-Elect Dave Cogdill, I asked him if he would share something about the man with FR readers… – Flash]

Senator Dave Cogdill is someone many of you will learn about in the coming months. As the Senate Republican Leader-elect he will be making headlines for all sorts of political and public policy reasons.

The problem is that many of these stories will ignore the best part of the Senator. He is probably one of the best people to ever serve in the Legislature. He is truly a good person.

This is a guy that is not and will not be a cheerleader. He is thoughtful, calm, and respectful.

When Senator Dave Cox was the Assembly Republican Leader in 2002, Cogdill was on the Elections Committee. The guy was just rock solid. During the final weeks of the election Cox, Cogdill, and Tony Strickland were calm and collected when some other people around the state weren’t… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Do You Like Electricity? I Do.

There’s a full-blown fight in San Diego between common sense and enviro extremists over a new San Diego Gas & Electric power line called the Sunrise Powerlink… a project thatsbeen winding its way through the state approval process for more than two years.The project is a much needed power line that will help keep the lights on and import clean energy from solar, wind and geothermal projects in the Imperial Valley .This should be a no-brainer for the global warming crowd that’s been screaming for more green power. Yea, right…that would require actual support for a piece of infrastructure that keeps our state moving forward. We’re about to enter the final rounds of this prize fight and its time to jump into the ring. The CA Public Utilities Commission will be in San Diego on Feb. 25Read More