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Jon Fleischman

FR Analysis: The RNC sucks a lot of cash out of CA, and returns VERY little…

When asked why he robbed banks, the infamous “Slick Willie” Sutton replied, “"because that’s where the money is.” Here in California , the Republican National Committee has put Sutton’s law into full effect. It is clear, based on our analysis, that over the past decade the RNC has engaged in Highway Robbery of the Pacific Coast .

It’s no secret that political candidates and parties routinely rob the Golden State ’s vast resources for political contributions. California acts as an ATM machine where money is taken from here to use elsewhere — campaigns come to California to raise money, but then spend Golden State dollars in other states.

However, the FlashReport’s in-depth analysis of FEC campaign reports reveals a perpetual plundering of California Republicans’ resources for national causes. In 2006, California Republicans returned less than 2¢ for every dollar sent to the Republican National Committee – and that is very unfortunate, and over a period of time, has had a devistating effect here..

We set out to dig into this issue because of a lot of numbers being thrown about in our very "colorful"… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Analysis: The RNC sucks a lot of cash out of CA, and returns VERY little…

When asked why he robbed banks, the infamous “Slick Willie” Sutton replied, “"because that’s where the money is.” Here in California , the Republican National Committee has put Sutton’s law into full effect. It is clear, based on our analysis, that over the past decade the RNC has engaged in Highway Robbery of the Pacific Coast .

It’s no secret that political candidates and parties routinely rob the Golden State ’s vast resources for political contributions. California acts as an ATM machine where money is taken from here to use elsewhere — campaigns come to California to raise money, but then spend Golden State dollars in other states.

However, the FlashReport’s in-depth analysis of FEC campaign reports reveals a perpetual plundering of California Republicans’ resources for national causes. In 2006, California Republicans returned less than 2¢ for every dollar sent to the Republican National Committee – and that is very unfortunate, and over a period of time, has had a devistating effect here..

**There is more – click theRead More

Jon Fleischman

I’m celebrating a billion in cuts, but I’m not sure LAT readers are doing the same…

As the publisher of this website, on many a day, I am personally scouring over 80 websites to pull together our well-read main news summary page. But there are a number of days, like today, where the "elves" tirelessly put the site together and I get to enjoy the website as a "normal" reader, just like you.

One of the thinks I enjoy about the FR main page is that when there is a big news item, we will cluster together all of the stories written on the subject from the major California dailies. A great example would be today, where a host of stories appear under the banner of "State Fiscal Emergency."

I read through most of the stories (only the most obtuse political hacks care to see how different reporters from different papers cover the same story), and I actually ended up reading the Los Angeles Times story by Evan Halper not once, but twice. It struck me on reading it that a casual reader in L.A., perusing the paper over their Wheaties this morning, would have to… Read More

Mike Spence

60th AD Watch: Are You Experienced?

That was the theme of part of the debate between Larry Dick and Curt Hagman at the SGV Lincoln Club Friday.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Call: Poll May Convince McClintock to Seek Doolittle¹s Seat

This story appears in today’s Roll Call Newspaper on Capitol Hill:

Poll May Convince McClintock to Seek Doolittle¹s Seat By David M. Drucker Roll Call Staff With a new poll out suggesting he would blow away the competition, state Sen. Tom McClintock is seriously considering jumping into the Republican primary in California¹s 4th district, a GOP insider based in the Golden State confirmed Thursday evening. The Moore Information poll, conducted Feb. 11-12, showed McClintock with the support of 43 percent of likely GOP primary voters, compared with just 11 percent for ex-Rep. Doug Ose, 6 percent for former state Sen. Rico Oller and 36 percent undecided. Ose and Oller already have announcedRead More

Jon Fleischman

My “Victory Lap” with CCPOA President Mike Jimenez

I have to admit, when it comes to personal relationships with honchos in public employee unions, I really don’t have too many. I worked for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department for many years, and so I have a friendship with Wayne Quint, the President of the Deputy’s union there. And my mother-in-law is the Secretary/Treasurer of a union within the California State University system. I think that may be it, actually. So I really didn’t know what to expect yesterday when I sat down for lunch at the Esquire Grill by the State Capitol in Sacramento with the Mike Jimenez, the President of one of California’s largest and most influential public employee unions — the California Correctional Peace Officers Association. I guess you could call this lunch a "victory lap" of sorts as we toasted the defeat of Fabian Nunez’s Proposition 93 scheme. Jimenez came with his "posse" – longtime CCPOA spokesman Ryan Sherman and Juan Vasquez, the "Assistant to the President" — who seemed rather unintimidating, though undoubtedly he can kill people with his little… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CCPOA Blog on my Commentary

The CCPOA’s coverage of my commentary this morning is pretty funny.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Hands off Fido, Assemblyman Levine

Every legislative session there are a few bills that really grab the public’s attention. Of all the high profile bills from last session, perhaps the most controversial for the general public (not policy or political wonks) was Lloyd Levine’s proposal to require every cat and dog in California be spayed or neutered (AB 1634). In fact, some lawmakers stated that they received more letters on this issue then any other issue debated last session. Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa humorously and effectively proved this fact during one assembly appropriations committee hearing by presenting a two-foot high stack of some of the letters his office had received opposing AB 1634.

Ultimately, despite heavy lobbying from the likes of Bob Barker, Pamela Anderson and William Shatner, the bill stalled before session ended. Mr. Levine learned the hard way that people are very protective of their four-legged companions. The bigger issue with this bill is that it—like many of the bills Mr. Levine proposes—seeks to control the lives and freedom of individual citizens. Yes, there is a problem with overcrowding in local animal shelters and we are euthanizing thousands of… Read More