Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Feb 20, 2008 Comments Off on Mayoral Race Heats Up in San Diego
I’ve gotton to know Steve Francis a bit. A successful
businessman, we served together for a time on the Board of
Directors of the California Republican Party. Francis was
unsuccessful in 2004 in a bid for Mayor of San Diego, losing to
Jerry Sanders.
Well, Francis is back. He has retooled his image for this next
go-around, smoothing the edges a bit. We’ll keep an eye on this
race, as San Diego is a huge city, and what happens there matters
not only in that city, but in the region and the state.
Francis in this commerical below emphasis that he is taking no
campaign contributions whatsoever. He is funding his entire
campaign from his own (deep) pockets.
He’s now up on television with his first buy. You can see the
spot below. He has purchased $200,000 in advertising for the next
two weeks, and his campaign says that he will stay on the air
through election day in June.
I guess by way of pushing his "independent" credentials (a label
that must poll well with San Diego City voters), Fracis’ campaign
volunteered that his ads are produced by the same company that
works with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg!… Read More