San Francisco Chronicle – Ethically challenged second rate newspaper – tool of SEIU
Having expected there might be some delays in voting yesterday at the Republican State Convention in San Francisco, where I served as a delegate, I made the wise decision to stay overnight in town so I would not have to be rushed or miss a flight after the voting took place Sunday morning.
So this morning, I rose to read the San Francisco Chronicle andits front page news section above the fold story "Medi-Cal in Crosshairs" by so-called reporter Tom Chorneau of the Sacramento Bureau. The long article, with color pictures, described the "plight" of a hemophiliac who, under a proposed plan by Governor Schwarzenegger must file eligibility forms quarterly instead of annually or semiannually to continue his treatments. He is afraid the new forms "might get lost in the mail." The article depicts a man injecting himself with plasma while his mother, in a purple t-shirt,tensely watches the procedure. Itincludes a picture of theGovernor and his contact number for readers to "Get Involved." It continues to page 10 and includes contact phone numbers and email addresses for the… Read More