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Jon Fleischman

California GOP Adopts Bold Platform in the Tradition of Ronald Reagan

A couple of weeks ago, the delegates to the California Republican Party Convention adopted a strong, bold platform to serve as the ideological and policy document for the State GOP for the next four years.

Along with many others, I was proud to serve as a member of the Platform Committee that adopted this platform. It represents a lot of work by a lot of people, and I encourage all FlashReport readers to take a few minutes to peruse it. It is broken down into sections and is quite easy to digest. A lot of CRP members took a leadership role in the drafting of this document, certainly worthy of specific mention would be Mike Schroeder, Mike Spence, Mark Pruner, and Laura Gadke, with whom I worked closely in the process. But the overall effort included dozens of great Republicans, and the final version that you have here before you represents an additional five hours of work by the Platform Committee at the convention, with many different additions and revisions. CRP Chairman Ron Nehring and Committee… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CD 4 Field Winnows as Oller, Egland drop out and endorse McClintock… What will Ose do?

With Tom McClintock’s announcement this morning that he is running for the GOP nomination in the 4th Congressional District, already two of the three other candidates that had been in the race have dropped out and endorsed the popular conservative State Senator. Veteran Eric Egland and former State Senator Rico Oller both are now solidly in the McClintock camp.

So now all eyes will be on former Congressman, moderate Doug Ose. Ose, a super-wealthy businessman, has to now huddle with his advisors and make a big decision — whether any amount of money can boost him past a very popular and formidable McClintock. Especially since McClintock will be able to raise quite a bit of money himself, and stands to benefit from big efforts from groups such as the Club for Growth.

From talking to folks, Ose’s genetic makeup is never to "back down" from a fight. Then again, you are successful in business by understanding where you take advantage of opportunities, and when to commit, or in some cases, not commit resources.

Anyways, below is text of a letter that Rico Oller just sent out to his supporters. Rico’s a great guy who… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California GOP Adopts Bold Platform in the Tradition of Ronald Reagan

A couple of weeks ago, the delegates to the California Republican Party Convention adopted a strong, bold platform to serve as the ideological and policy document for the State GOP for the next four years.

Along with many others, I was proud to serve as a member of the Platform Committee that adopted this platform. It represents a lot of work by a lot of people, and I encourage all FlashReport readers to take a few minutes to peruse it. It is broken down into sections and is quite easy to digest. A lot of CRP members took a leadership role in the drafting of this document, certainly worthy of specific mention would be Mike Schroeder, Mike Spence, Mark Pruner, and Laura Gadke, with whom I worked closely in the process. But the overall effort included dozens of great Republicans, and the final version that you have here before you represents an additional five hours of work by the Platform Committee at the convention, with many different additions and revisions. CRP Chairman Ron Nehring and Committee… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Runner: “I’m definately running for BOE”

I just got off of the phone with State Senator George Runner who called to confirm that he is, in fact, going to run for the State Board of Equalization seat currently occupied by Bill Leonard, who faces term limits in 2010.

Runner told me that it is extremely important to have a proven friend of taxpayers in that seat…

"The Board of Equalization is on the front-lines of setting tax collection policy, and is a place where an advocate of the taxpayer can truly make a difference," Runner told me. "It goes to the basic philosophy about whether you see yourself as being there to protect taxpayers — which I have been doing in the State Legislature, and would continue to do on the Board of Equalization."

Runner said that he is in the process of opening up a campaign committee, and is already putting together the beginnings of a campaign, including contacting slate mail vendors (a key strategy for building name I.D. in such a vast district).

So now there are three… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ashburn confirms his BOE candidacy…

“When it rains, it pours,” as they say. Today it is “raining” Republican candidates for the State Board of Equalization.

Earlier today I blogged on how Tom McClintock’s decision to run for Congress would immediately set up a GOP donnybrook for Bill Leonard’s BOE seat (which is up in 2010).

See my post below for the field so far – Alby, Runner (George), Nakanishi…

Well, add another name to the list. Apparently for a few months, term limited State Senator Roy Ashburn has been running for this seat, with a brief break when it looked like McClintock was running for BOE (Ashburn would have backed him).

Ashburn is busy making fundraising calls, with an Ashburn for BOE event this Monday. Very busy making calls.

I learned about Asbhurn’s activities when the Senator called me a few minutes ago. He also told me, “The Board of Equalization is California’s tax board. This key position gives taxpayers a voice and an advocate in the process.”

So, now add Ashburn to the mix. Oh, I should add that I heard from the Nakanishi campaign that he has been… Read More

Meredith Turney

McClintock Officially Announces Candidacy for 4th CD

It’s a gorgeous day in Placer County; not a cloud in the sky and a high of about 70 degrees. Oh, and Tom McClintock is going to be our next congressman. On this beautiful California morning, Senator McClintock was joined by several local elected officials to officially announce his candidacy for the 4th congressional district. At a press conference on the steps of the historic Placer County Court House in Auburn, Senator Sam Aanasted kicked off the announcement with his endorsement of his senate seatmate, who has “instructed, educated and cajoled Republicans into acting like Republicans.”

Also publicly declaring their support for McClintock’s campaign were Assemblymen Rick Keene and Ted Gaines, Nevada County Supervisors Sue Horne, Yuba County Supervisor Dan Logue and Auburn City Councilman Kevin Hanley. The honor of actually introducing McClintock was left to former 4th CD candidate Eric Egland, who joked that he was “proud to say he was in fact a former candidate for the seat” now that McClintock has entered the race. Egland then stated that, “While I’m a major in the military, in the world of conservative leadership, Tom McClintock is a… Read More

Barry Jantz

CD 52: Anderson to Make Major Announcement Tomorrow

Just in from team Anderson. The phones and emails are abuzz in San Diego….

Anderson to Make Major Announcement Regarding 52nd Congressional District Race

San Diego–Tomorrow, March 5, 2008, Assemblyman Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon) will hold a press conference making a major announcement regarding the 52nd Congressional District campaign.

The 77th Assembly District, represented by Assemblyman Anderson is within the 52nd Congressional District. The incumbent Congressman Duncan Hunter is not running for re-election

WHO: Assemblyman Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon) and special guest

WHAT:Press Conference making major announcement regarding the 52nd Congressional District campaign

WHEN:Wednesday ~ March 5, 2008 ~ 11:00 AM

WHERE: The Brigantine Restaurant, 9350 Fuerte Drive, La MesaRead More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock announces for Congress!

As I write this, California conservative icon Tom McClintock is announcing his candidacy for Congress in the 4th Congressional District, where incumbent John Doolittle is retiring.

FR’s Meredith Turney is at the event, and will bring us some post-press conference coverage. So stay tuned!… Read More