…It Was The Worst of Times
My reading, listening and viewing habits are broad. I tend to read magazines like the New Yorker or the Atlantic, listen to NPR, and watch the BBC America. Liberal stuff? Sure. But when you work in Republican politics day in and day out, Lake Woebegoneis a welcome change of pace.
So last night I was pulling a turkey out of the oven and listening to Air America. When I lived in Los Angeles I was a regular listener of the Pacifica Network, which is your basic run of the mill far left craziness mixed with ‘global’ music. Nutty and dated? Yes. But it was entertaining. Last night I listened to Air America for nearly two hours and I can truly write, with no qualms, that it was not entertaining.
Now understand, I’m not judging the programs I heard based on ideological content. I don’t listen to get angry, or educated, or whatever. I listen for entertainment. And the quality of the entertainment was just low. It wasn’t funny. It wasn’t sharp witted. The format of the programs were difficult to keep clear, the individuals talking talked over each other, and there was no attempt to stick to a topic for more than a couple… Read More