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Matt Rexroad

Assemblyman Smyth: Helping make US Marines

Excellent work by Assemblyman Smyth for authoring AB 2238. Semper Fidelis.

If this Commissioner ever applies to be a Judge — we need to make sure to get every military organization in the state to voice an objection. I find her comments pathetic.

At least over time Sage was smart enough to figure out he did not want to be in the Air Force or the Navy.

From the LA Daily News —

Anti-war judge rejects foster teen’s bid to join military

By Dana Bartholomew, Staff Writer Article Last Updated: 03/07/2008 07:16:45 AM PST

SIMI VALLEY – Shawn Sage long dreamed of joining the military, and watching "Full Metal Jacket" last year really sold him on becoming a Marine.

But last fall, a Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner dashed the foster teen’s hopes of early enlistment for Marine sniper duty, plus a potential $10,000 signing bonus.

In denying the Royal High School student delayed entry into the Marine Corps, Children’s Court… Read More

Shawn Steel

Democratic Party’s Racial Divide

The Los Angeles Times has documented with Pulitzer quality reporting, theracial gang wars in the L.A. basin. The largest and oldest Latino gang, the Mexican Mafia, has ordered ethnic cleansing of formerly all-black neighborhoods. This has led to an increase in black vs Latino violence. Close to my home, the Gateway Harbor area, several blacks have been murdered by Latino gangs in this expressed racial hate… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Democratic Party’s Racial Divide

The Los Angeles Times has documented with Pulitzer quality reporting, theracial gang wars in the L.A. basin. The largest and oldest Latino gang, the Mexican Mafia, has ordered ethnic cleansing of formerly all-black neighborhoods. This has led to an increase in black vs Latino violence. Close to my home, the GatewayHarbor area, several blacks have been murdered by Latino gangs in this expressed racial… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Official list of California GOP Delegates/Alternates to RNC Convention

Attached is the final list of Delegates and Alternates on the California Delegation to the Republican National Convention, as released to me by Kathy Tavoularis, Executive Director of the California Delegation.

We’ll try to circle back with some analysis on changes made to the Delegates since the original lists submitted before the primary, and of course all of the Alternates listed are "new news" since no Alternate lists had been previously released.

Almost all of these folks were selected by John McCain, with Mitt Romney winning just a few spots.

For those who are not experienced Excel users, this document is formatted in pages. When you open it, you will be looking at the list of Delegates. There is a tab at the bottom to go to the page with the Alternates.

Happy reading!… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Eminent Domain Reform Foes Lose In Court

The eminent domain reform on this June’s ballot, known as Prop 98, sponsored by the good guys, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn, Calif. Farm Bureau, and Calif Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights, won a victory in the Superior Court of California today according to the folks at the Yes On Prop 98 campaign[]

The tactic of the 98 opponents was to contest the title and summary of 98 to instead label it a rent control measure. This as part of a campaign of hysteria they will no doubt push to try and defeat 98’s true protections from abuse of private propertyrights by eminent domain, along with reforms to oppressionist rent controls.

The opponents of 98instead seek to pass Prop 99, a watered down measure that protects little but the rights of land grabbers to continue to grab homes, farms and small businesses for their own private development uses as they can and do now.

With these charges rejected by the court, it’s full speed ahead for Prop 98 Eminent Domain Reform on the June ballot. Congrats to the Yes On 98 team on this important step.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ambassador Schwarzenegger?

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail: Quote of the Day "Arnold Schwarzenegger, secretary of homeland security. Or, perhaps, ambassador to the United Nations. Hey, you heard it here first. As he locks up the GOP nod, John McCain and his deputies are talking boldly this week about redrawing the electoral map into one where California lights up red on Nov. 4 for the first time in 20 years. The Golden State’s 55 electoral votes falling into the GOP column would pose a virtually insurmountable challenge to Democrats, no matter who wins that party’s nod…. [T]here is one way for McCain to make the Golden State a red state, or at least give it an honest shot. And he’s just sitting there in Sacramento, waiting to be asked" — National Journal columnist John MercurioRead More

Jon Fleischman

McCain Backs November Same-Sex Marriage Ban Initiative

Today Senator John McCain spoke to members of the Council for National Policy (CNP). The group is made up of influential conservative leader types from around the country.

I just spokewith someone who saw McCain speak to the CNP who told me that in response to a question from one of the members, asking the Senator if he supports three ballot measures in states this November to ban same-sex marriage, one of them being here in California, McCain was unequivocal: "YES."

(For those confused because we already passed Prop. 22 here in California, this measure in November would be an even stronger measure to codify marriage as being between and man and a woman.)… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Democrats at War in AD78

From "Mr. Murphy" over Red County San Diego a few minutes ago:

"I hear Maxine Sherrard, Democrat nominee in 2006 in the 78th Assembly District, filed today. Not to sound like a teenage girl, but ‘it’s on’. The candidates are Ricassa (a Filipina who is probably the most electable but who has no track record of raising money), Block (a white liberal’s liberal, with some serious baggage), Arabo (raised a good deal of money but even though he is leaping to the left of the left, I don’t see a former aide to Congressman Brian Bilbray getting out of a Democrat primary), and Sherrard. Look for a nasty race. It’s not just that these candidates all represent very different segments of their party, but that they all actually dislike each other from what I can tell. This was the best chance in the state for a Democrat pick-up, but by letting these candidates race to the left for the last several months I just don’t see it happening."

I would add that no Republican filed against GOP nominee John McCann.… Read More