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Duane Dichiara

Democrats at War in AD78

From "Mr. Murphy" over Red County San Diego a few minutes ago:

"I hear Maxine Sherrard, Democrat nominee in 2006 in the 78th Assembly District, filed today. Not to sound like a teenage girl, but ‘it’s on’. The candidates are Ricassa (a Filipina who is probably the most electable but who has no track record of raising money), Block (a white liberal’s liberal, with some serious baggage), Arabo (raised a good deal of money but even though he is leaping to the left of the left, I don’t see a former aide to Congressman Brian Bilbray getting out of a Democrat primary), and Sherrard. Look for a nasty race. It’s not just that these candidates all represent very different segments of their party, but that they all actually dislike each other from what I can tell. This was the best chance in the state for a Democrat pick-up, but by letting these candidates race to the left for the last several months I just don’t see it happening."

I would add that no Republican filed against GOP nominee John McCann.… Read More

Jim Battin

Governor’s high-flying commute draws flak

The LA Times is at it again……attacking a green champion for no good reason!

In their article today, "Governor’s high-flying commute draws flak", they unfairly point out that even though the governor signed AB 32, he doesn’t seem to be living the life that bill mandates on the rest of us.

How dare they. HE BUYS CARBON CREDITS! So how can anyone criticize him!

The LA Times rages:

"Flying the Gulfstream and other jets the governor uses costs as much as $10,000 an hour. Some conservationists say Schwarzenegger is essentially attempting to buy a clean conscience with the carbon offsets, which cost about $43 an hour."

"He has been very bold on all these [environmental] initiatives, so it is sad to see him undercut that," said Denis Hayes, president of the Bullitt Foundation, a philanthropy that funds conservation efforts in Western states. "If you are going to be talking about an issue, you should be living the reality you areRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Deukmejian Appointee Rules Home Schooling Illegal

H. Walter Croksey, member of the Second District Court of Appeals, ruled today that homeschooling is not consistent with California Education Codes, subjecting parents of home schooled children to criminal penalty. Read it here. Unbelievable.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Harman: A Loophole by any other name is still the same

"Lifted" from State Senator Tom Harman’s latest e-newsletter:

A Loophole by any other name is still the same After years of reckless spending and special-interest pandering, the liberal majority must now face their comeuppance in the form of a massive budget deficit. So they turn their focus to closing "loopholes." But there’s just one problem: The folks up in Sacramento have a very different notion of what constitutes a "loophole" than do the rest of us. The biggest "loophole" in California, according to state LegislativeRead More

Jim Battin

AD 80 — Gary Jeandron is Unopposed

AD 80 on again – off again candidate, Lupe Ramos Watson, is out.

Tomorrow, Gary Jeandron will become the unopposed Republican nominee for Assembly.

Now, for the next three months Gary will be able to fundraise and campaign while the Democrat candidates tear each other apart. And from what I’m hearing, it’s going to be a Democrat Battle Royale.

Since the day he announced Gary has been a juggernaut. He’s a well respected former police chief of Palm Springs, current school board member and even a marriage and family counselor (what a guy).

HIs fundraising is better than all the Democrats combined and his work ethic is second to none.

Jeandron is on a roll – and clearing the Primary is just another sign of his strength.

Anyone who knows me, knows my obsession with AD 80 (my old district). I’m very comfortable Gary… Read More

Jim Battin

“Raise taxes. That clear enough? Raise taxes.”

The Democrat secret plan to solve the budget crisis has finally been revealed.

Yesterday, Senate Democrat Leader Don Perata spoke plainly when he was asked how they proposed to to make up the deficit when he said,"Raise taxes. That clear enough? Raise taxes." What a shocker….. the Democrats want to raise our taxes – I just can’t believe it.

Senator Perata also promised to hold us here all summer apparently until the Republican resolve not to raise taxesis broken. And I’m sure he means it. Remember our Senatesleep-over lastyear? (no worries – – we eventually were set free).

If last year’s Democrat rage at the Senate Republicans refusing to vote for a budgetuntil spending was reduced by just… Read More

Mike Spence

Local Bloggers Take On Campaign Finance Reform

Deep down everyone involved in politics knows that “campaign reform” has been a failure. More and More money comes in, but all these laws make it harder to find who is really giving to whom. At the state level, you can go to the Secretary of State Website and check out donors at the state level to the real big campaigns.

Local campaigns are a completely different story. It is hard to know about campaign donations without going to City Hall. Hard except in Pasadena , where The Foothill Cities Blog that covers the Foothill Cities in LA County. (Hence the clever name) has taken on campaign finance at the local level. In Pasadena the most prominent of the cities it covers Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Seminal Moment for GOP Legislators

Having been rolled by the Governor for the past five years (a little less rolled in 2007 than in years past) the GOP minority in the State SenateandAssembly must now, finally, draw a line in the sand on State spending, which has exploded under this Governor and with a few Republican votes every year.

At risk here are losing the arguments on two key principles, the premise that we have a spending problem rather than a revenue problem, the historical fact that tax increases do not now, nor ever have, increased tax revenues.

There is also the issue that nobody in elected office, nor any candidate wants to touch – education spending. Somebody explain to me why a 100% run up in education spending over 10 years with less than 15% change in enrollment can’t be reduced in a fiscal crisis? Are there no intellectuals out there to make the argument.

This is a seminal time for the GOP. A depressed nationwide base looks at a feckless Congress, a lame duck President and a Governor who has place our State at great risk while flying the GOP flag. Its not a good situation, and taking a stand on the issue of taxes would be a great help.… Read More