Democrats at War in AD78
From "Mr. Murphy" over Red County San Diego a few minutes ago:
"I hear Maxine Sherrard, Democrat nominee in 2006 in the 78th Assembly District, filed today. Not to sound like a teenage girl, but ‘it’s on’. The candidates are Ricassa (a Filipina who is probably the most electable but who has no track record of raising money), Block (a white liberal’s liberal, with some serious baggage), Arabo (raised a good deal of money but even though he is leaping to the left of the left, I don’t see a former aide to Congressman Brian Bilbray getting out of a Democrat primary), and Sherrard. Look for a nasty race. It’s not just that these candidates all represent very different segments of their party, but that they all actually dislike each other from what I can tell. This was the best chance in the state for a Democrat pick-up, but by letting these candidates race to the left for the last several months I just don’t see it happening."
I would add that no Republican filed against GOP nominee John McCann.… Read More