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Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans Save Californians From Higher Gas Prices

Last night, Speaker Fabian “Louis Vuitton” Nunez convened a rare Wednesday session of the Assembly to debate their plan to raise taxes on oil production in California, which would have raised gas prices at a time when Californians are paying record prices. Democrats all but admitted that this was not a serious exercise, but just a public relations stunt to try to position themselves as “white knights” riding into to save the day from “evil Republican budget cutters.”

Democrat after Democrat rose to blame oil companies for “not paying their fair share” to the state as the reason why teachers were receiving layoff notices this month. Others bemoaned the fact that Californians received modest tax relief in recent years, blaming the repeal of the Gray Davis’ illegal car tax increase for the state’s current budget woes. They even said with a straight face that Californians have endured “heartless” budget cuts over the past four years and said they would refuse to support a budget this year that takes responsible steps to reduce spending. Perhaps we should remind them that revenue in California increased 40 percent over the past four… Read More

Meredith Turney

Clock Ticking for Important Initiatives

I just returned from San Diego, where I spent the afternoon assisting with Roger Hedgcock’s special “drive-by” radio show. The radio program focused on two initiatives that are trying to qualify for the November ballot: Protect Marriage and Sarah’s Law. With just a few weeks to go before the petition deadlines, there is a statewide push to gather the hundreds of thousands of signatures needed.

Protect Marriage is the initiative that will place Proposition 22 in the constitution, thus ensuring that the will of the people is honored in defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Sarah’s Law is the initiative that will require parental notification prior to a minor’s abortion. Both initiatives are key not only for strengthening parental rights and the sanctity of marriage, but from a political standpoint, these are issues that will draw the Republican base to the polls in November. The Save Our Kids campaign to overturn SB 777 was also present (thus my involvement), handing out flyers to alert citizens that initiative petitions will be on the street in early… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Floor Debate Excerpts from the Oil Tax Hike Proposal

Courtesy of FR friend Eric Reslock’s new website, CalClip TV, here is some footage he pieced together from last night’s floor debate in the Assembly on increasing oil taxes. Unfortunately Eric left the temper tantrum of Fabian Nunez for the very end… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrat play sheet only has two songs — “Spend More” and “Tax More”

Sacramento Democrats are a consistent bunch. Their play sheet only has two songs — "Spend More" and "Tax More." That it. And they keep playing their two-song greatest hits album over and over again.

Last week we had Democrat Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata pledging a long summer budget stalemate until Republicans agree to $5 BILLION in new taxes. Now, on the Assembly side, Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez is calling for a massive 6% increase on tax on oil in California — as if the prices of gasoline in America aren’t high enough? Nunez plan will only serve to increase reliance on foreign oil, as he seeks to make it more expensive to pump oil out of the ground here in the Golden State. Well, there is a silver lining to every cloud, they say. And in this case, it is simply this — Sacramento Democrats are setting up a great debate for the Spring, presenting the stark contrast between Republicans and Democrats. You see, while the Democrats want to increase taxes on working Californians (who do you think will get hit the hardest if gas prices increase?), Republicans have vowed to block… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Update: Defeated–Oil Tax Increase Debate Begins On Assembly Floor

Update: After 2 3/4 hours and 42 speeches debating this bill, the predicted outcome is official, the bill, AB 9 XXX, a tax increase [requiring 2/3’s,54 votes] was defeated45-30, no Republicans present voted for it,all Dems present but onevoting "aye."

AB 9 of the 3rd Extraordinary session is being introduced by Chuck Calderon for Speaker Nunez. This is the bill to raise taxes on oil produced within Califonia. [Thereby increasing dependence on imported oil if you believe as I do that taxing something causes there to be less of that product or activity.] 43 Democrats are coauthoring the bill. Thankfully it requires a 2/3 vote to pass so we all know going into this debate that the bill will fail and that it will cost Californians tens of thousands of dollars to process and run this bill through committee and on our floor. Since this is ostensibly a bill to help fund education, how many teacherscould be paid instead of the costfor this bit of theater for this sure-to-failbill? Not to mention the tone-deaf attitude of this legislature toward record fuel prices… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrat play sheet only has two songs — “Spend More” and “Tax More”

Sacramento Democrats are a consistent bunch. Their play sheet only has two songs — "Spend More" and "Tax More." That it. And they keep playing their two-song greatest hits album over and over again.

Last week we had Democrat Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata pledging a long summer budget stalemate until Republicans agree to $5 BILLION in new taxes. Now, on the Assembly side, Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez is calling for a massive 6% increase on tax on oil in California — as if the prices of gasoline in America aren’t high enough? Nunez plan will only serve to increase reliance on foreign oil, as he seeks to make it more expensive to pump oil out of the ground here in the Golden State. Well, there is a silver lining to every cloud, they say. And in this case, it is simply this — Sacramento Democrats are setting up a great debate for the Spring, presenting the stark contrast between Republicans and Democrats. You see, while the Democrats want to increase taxes on working Californians (who do you think will get hit the hardest if gas prices increase?), Republicans have vowed to block… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Coronado Republican Women Say; “No Tax Hikes!”

I just left a lunhctime meeting of the Coronado Republican Womens Federated club on Coronado Island in San Diego. It was a great meeting with a very informed and influential guest speaker…me! :-)

They wanted me to carry forth a message to our state legislators — hold the line, and don’t give in to pressure to raise any taxes!

Amen!… Read More

Barry Jantz

52nd Congressional “Debate” – A Mild Beginning

The great thing about a Congressional District opening up only once in 28 years is that when the County GOP holds a candidate debate in East County, several people show up that few times in their lives have ever stepped foot east of I-15. Well, okay, unless they were first on a plane leaving San Diego County. Last night, 257 folks hit El Cajon’s Crystal Ballroom for the Republican Party of San Diego’s monthly meeting. Tony Krvaric and Co. had the vision to move the proceedings to East County for perhaps the first and last time until Congressman Duncan Hunter’s current 52nd District seat is vacated by the next incumbent. Whether that will be another quarter of a century or more remains to be seen, but Hunter’s son Duncan D. Hunter, Santee Councilman Brian Jones and County Board of Ed President Bob Watkins are all hoping to at get at least a first term under their respective belts. After State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring effectively rah-rahed the crowd, and Bob Ilko gave a heartfelt unity speech about his decision to not seek San Diego’s 5th District city council seat (in deference to Carl DeMaio), the… Read More