2008 Legislative Bills—Plastic Bags, Bigoted Nurses and a New State Holiday
Lawmakers are on spring break this week but when they return, they’re going to have hundreds of new bills to consider. As promised, here are some of the highlights and mostly lowlights of the 2008 session thus far…
AB 2058 (Levine), AB 2071 (Karnette) and AB 2829 (Davis). Grocery store plastic bags are going to have a rough year. These three bills either ban or severely regulate them. According to a British newspaper, plastic bags are just the victims of an eco-witch hunt. Next time the grocery store employee asks, “Paper or plastic?” choose plastic—while you still can.
AB 2085 (Huff). While the initiative to overturn of SB 777, the public school multi-sexual indoctrination bill, moves forward, Assemblyman Bob Huff is carrying a bill that will return the education code to its pre-SB 777 state. A companion bill, AB 2086, also authored by Huff, will require parental notification prior to classroom discussions about sexual lifestyles. Passing these bills would be a real victory for parental… Read More