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Katy Grimes

CA Gov. Jerry Brown’s War Against Reality… and the Climate

Jerry Brown says the world needs ‘brain washing’ on climate change. Sounding indeed brainwashed, Brown said, “The problem … is us. It’s our whole way of life. It’s our comfort … It’s the greed. It’s the indulgence. It’s the pattern. And it’s the inertia.”

I hate to be a party pooper but the totalitarian trio of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot also said the… Read More

Richard Rider

Mortgage interest deduction facts about California

Some facts to consider about California and home mortgage interest deductibility:

The average home mortgage balance in California is under $350,000 — far below the proposed $500,000 loan cap on deducting home interest on income taxes.

According to Zillow, the median home in California is worth $509,600.

Assuming one puts 10% down when buying a median-priced CA home today, that would make the loan $458,640. With 20% down, the loan would be $407,680.

Moreover, all existing home loans up to $1,000,000 are grandfathered as to deductibility. Loans above $1,000,000 are not deductible under CURRENT federal tax law, and that will not change.

Furthermore, as I read the convoluted language of the bill, if a new mortgage loan exceeds $500K, the… Read More

Richard Rider

The CA labor unions are starting their official drive to gut Prop 13

Heads up! The unions have made it clear —they ARE coming after Prop 13in the November, 2018 election. As you can see below, they are currently staging a number of tightly controlled “town hall” meetings designed to support the unions’ ballot initiative to dismantle Prop 13.

These “meetings” are roughly akin to the socialist propaganda camp lessons provided daily in the reeducation camps we more commonly refer to as our college campus classrooms. Indeed, these meetings will BE held on college campuses — in part so they can pack the room with clueless, brainwashed, tax gobbling students!

There will be NO representation at these rigged meetings by opponents of this proposition to impose a $9 billion annual tax increase (which won’t yield $9 billion, but that’s another matter). And indeed, it would be a waste of time (and possibly some physical risk) attending as a vocal opponent of this drive at such unionRead More

Katy Grimes

Free Speech Clashing With CA Legislature and Govt. Colleges​

Last week the California ​State Senate held the second committee hearing in two weeks on “hate speech” couched as “Violent Protests and Police Response.” Democrats were once again seeking approval for legislation on thought crimes.

This is a dangerous path as countries without a First Amendment have demonstrated. Writer Andrew SullivansaysRead More

Richard Rider

The “digital divide” is a fiction

Remember the “digital divide”? Supposedly poor folks were getting left behind in the electronic age, as they couldn’t afford a computer, etc., etc.

Well, some folks ARE getting “left behind,” but it’s not from a lack of hardware or software. Or even Internet access.

Maybe eight years ago I wrote a column about this canard. At the time, there were numerous options: 1. Used, “outdated” computers sold for a pittance. 2. Free computer/Internet access at libraries, schools and work. 3. Charities that gave free used computers to needy folks. 4. Quality free software — such as the excellent “OpenOffice” clone of Office Windows (which I use today).

I asserted that a time was soon coming when one could buy a rudimentary computer for $100. I was ridiculed by critics. Turns out, I was too pessimistic. Recently I saw a new computer “on sale” (there’s always one of these sales items) at Fry’s for $54 — and free shipping.

Yeah, yeah, it’s not much of computer compared to the beasts some of us own. It’s basically… Read More

Richard Rider

Low income teenagers: Follow these 3 rules that together all but guarantee you’ll not be poor

It may be hard for many poor teenagers to become rich, but it’s NOT too hard for most to join the middle class — IF they follow this simple advice from a Brookings study.

EXCERPT:Drill into children the message that in a free society, they enter adulthood with three major responsibilities:

1. At least finish high school. 2. Get a full-time job. 3. Wait until age 21 to get married and have children.

Our research shows that of American adults who followed these three simple rules, only about 2 percent are in poverty and nearly 75 percent have joined the middle class (defined as earning around $55,000 or more per year). There are surely influences other than these principles at play, but following them guides a young adult away from poverty and toward the middleRead More

Katy Grimes

The Worst Kept Secret in Hollywood is also in CA’s Capitol

Sexual harassment is apparently a problem in California’s State Capitol, despite voluminous binders of sexual harassment rules and training guides. However, the ‘casting couch’ is used in many industries besides Hollywood, and especially in politics.

“Me Too” is Growing

More than 140 women working in and around the California State Capitol have written a letter claiming to have been sexually harassed inside the Capitol by lawmakers and staff. The list has now grown to 300.

“For four years in a row, the Democratic-controlled Legislature has quietly buried a bill—sponsored by a Republican assemblywoman—that would give legislative staff expanded whistleblower protections,” CalMatters… Read More

David Kersten

Is Republican-Lite a Winning Strategy?

It has been well documented that California Republican voter registration has declined significantly over the past few decades, and there have been no shortage of renewed calls for the California Republican Party to become more like the California Democratic Party—effectively becoming “Republican Lite.”

U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield), the highest ranking Republican leader in California, urged the California GOP to reject becoming “Republican Lite” at the party’s most recent Republican convention, according to a report by the LA Times.

“My advice to those Assembly members in Sacramento: You will not win a majority by thinking you’ll be Democrat-light. You will win the majority by showing the differences in the party,” McCarthy said.

“You will not win the majority by voting against your own principles on a Democratic policy, and let Democratic targets vote no. You will not win the majority if you’re concerned about being able to stand behind a podium with a… Read More

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