California Forward—Towards Bigger Government?
Earlier this week a new political action group was launched here in Sacramento. The new group, California Forward, is promoted as a “bipartisan” effort to “transform” California’s government. The Flash Report was invited to participate in the launch event held at the Sacramento Library on Wednesday and I attended on its behalf.
Co-chaired by Leon Panetta and Thomas McKernan (the CEO of the Automobile Club of Southern California), CA Forward is marketed as a “diverse group of prominent Californians” who will “develop and advance improvements to the state’s electoral and fiscal systems.” And because this is a bipartisan effort, CA Forward’s Leadership Council includes Bruce McPherson and Chuck Poochigian. The rest of the council’s members can be viewed here.
As mentioned on the front page of Flash Report today, there are five groups funding CA Forward: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The… Read More