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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Carney: The Color Purple

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail:

The Color Purple

Are the Clintons feeling a little desperate? Bill flew into a tirade at last weekend’s California Democratic Party convention. He was there to schmooze local superdelegates on Hillary’s behalf when he encountered activist and Clinton-supporting superdelegate Rachel Binah, who had been a Bill Richardson supporter until the New Mexico governor dropped out of the race.

According to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle, Ms. Binah took the opportunity to criticize Clinton ally James Carville for describing Mr. Richardson as a "Judas" for his subsequent endorsement of Barack… Read More

Jon Fleischman

17083 Times!

Hard to believe that this FlashReport video we took of Mitt Romney on the campaign trail, telling a joke to supporters, has been viewed over 17,000 times! … Read More

Meredith Turney

Amid Defeat in the Capitol, there is Hope

Yesterday was a roller coaster ride of emotions as I spent the entire day at the capitol testifying in committee hearings. This part of the legislative year could be dubbed “the killing season” with all the great Republican bills dying premature deaths. Although it’s frustrating and infuriating to witness the lack of common sense or real empathy in the majority party, we can muster the fortitude to carry on by some of the encouragements I witnessed yesterday.

Senator Alan Lowenthal’s SB 1322, the bill that will allow communists to teach in public schools, passed the Senate Education Committee with flying (red) colors. The bill passed despite the moving testimony of my friend Alex Pop, a Romanian immigrant who was imprisoned for simply speaking out against the communist government in his country. Yesterday Alex celebrated his nineteenth year of escaping to America and freedom. Alex’s two sons will attend the Naval Academy and West Point and his daughter is Miss Northern California. Alex is the perfect example of the American Dream—he went from a communist prison for speaking against the government to actually addressing the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Memo to John Benoit – RE: Dems Voting Down AB 2389

Memo Date: April 2, 2008 To: Assemblyman John Benoit From: Jon Fleischman RE: Understanding Liberals I saw that yesterday, on a party-line vote, Assembly Democrats rejected your Assembly Bill 2389 which, put simply, would require that welfare recipients in California must submit to random drug tests, and if they they fail, be enrolled in mandatory treatment, or lose their right to welfare. You are to be commended for bringing forward such a common-sense measure, but I think that we all knew, unfortunately, that it was destined for defeat. It is not a coincidence that Democrats opposed this bill, while your Republican colleagues supported it. You see it goes to one of the basic core differences between the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Club for Growth Endorses McClintock; Frank Schubert does not!

I’m running out the door — but this just came in over the transom. Given the the Club for Growth is one of the premier organizations in Washington that is battling for fiscal reform and curbing the voracious appetite, present in both political parties, for pork barrel spending, I wanted to pass this along ASAP…

Also, BELOW the Club for Growth release, I have excerpted the opening paragraphs of some hard-hitting commentary from Frank Schubert (of Schubert-Flint Public Affairs), a resident of CD-4 who hits Tom McClintock pretty hard and makes the case for why he believes Doug Ose, and Tom McClintock should be his Congressman…

Club for Growth PAC Endorses Tom McClintock in CA-4 Washington – Today, the Club for Growth PAC endorsed State Senator Tom McClintock inRead More

Jon Fleischman

Memo to John Benoit – RE: Dems Voting Down AB 2389

Memo Date: April 2, 2008 To: Assemblyman John Benoit From: Jon Fleischman RE: Understanding Liberals I saw that yesterday, on a party-line vote, Assembly Democrats rejected your Assembly Bill 2389 which, put simply, would require that welfare recipients in California must submit to random drug tests, and if they they fail, be enrolled in mandatory treatment, or lose their right to welfare. You are to be commended for bringing forward such a common-sense measure, but I think that we all knew, unfortunately, that it was destined for defeat. It is not a coincidence that Democrats opposed this bill, while your Republican colleagues supported it. You see it goes to one of the basic core differences between the… Read More

Mike Spence

The Whales Are Saved: AB 2352 Consumed.

With relief not seen since the climax of Free Willy, fat kids and their parents no longer need to fear being ripped apart like a big bag of potato chips.

AB 2352 authored by Assemblyman Fuentes would have allowed courts to separate parents from their chubby children as a form of child abuse.

Memo to the State Assembly if mockery and shame and singling out the heavyset reduced calorie consumption we would have nothing but skinny kids.

Recently the bill completely changed to one that now deals with the release of confidential mental health records. One outrageous bill gone from the legislative buffet, many more go.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

BREAKING: RNC Rules Committee Adopts Plan That Disses California

The Republican National Committee is meeting as we speak in New Mexico. For some time now (actually for many years) the RNC has been debated how to reform the GOP Presidential nominating process in a way that might make more sense. State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring who is at the meeting just sent over this news:

The RNC’s Rules Committee has reported out a proposal for reforming the presidential nominating schedule for 2012. The “Ohio Plan” sets up a calendar for states to hold their primaries that puts four states first (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada), followed by a window for 19 small states to vote next. Lastly, the remaining states would vote regionally in three groups, with those three groups rotating in order every four years.

The net effect of the Ohio plan is that large states like California will never be among the first states voting. Under theRead More