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Jon Fleischman

Mayor Sanders Drops “F” Bomb on “Post-Partisan” Steve Frances

It would appear that San Diego Major Jerry Sanders has reached his boiling point when it comes to dealing with challenger Steve Francis. At a recent gathering, Francis apparently reached out to shake the Mayor’s hand, and instead Sanders dropped the "F" Bomb on his opponent. I guess when you buy as much television time as Francis has done, it has gotten "under the skin" of Sanders. Check out the San Diego U-T’s blog post on this here.

I can’t figure out Steve Francis, by the way. I was pretty excited by his candidacy early on. But he keeps campaigning like an Arnold, Jr. For Earth Day, he sent out an e-mail in which he embraced the whole global warming alarmist agenda, leading one to wonder what new types of regulatory burdens he would place on the people of San Diego.

To be honest, I was pretty displeased with the way that the San Diego County GOP endorsed the incumbent, Sanders, with no notice and opportunity for Francis to make his… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Err, Umm.. It was Malcolm, not Shane, who interviewed the “Actress”

It seems like this morning on the main FR page, we did a "disservice" of sorts to our friend Malcolm Maclachlan, an ace reporter over at the Capitol Weekly. This morning’s Cap Weekly featured an interview that Malcolm conducted with "well traveled" pornographic film star Nina Hartley (see the cover of one of Hartley’s "publications" to the right).

However, we incorrectly attributed the interview to Shane Goldmacher, who used to work for CapWeekly and is now over with the Sacramento Bee.

Sorry for the mixup. Shane, to be sure, when you have a chance to interview a porn star, we’ll endeavor to get it right. In the meantime, it’s Malcolm whom FR Capitol readers can pester for the parts of the interview that didn’t make it past CW’s Editor, John Howard.… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch — UC’s Paradise Island: a Bargain or a Boondoggle?

As California and its citizens worry about the bad economy and massive budget deficit facing the state, the University of California continues to run an island paradise for a few students and professors, subsidized with taxes and student tuition.

According to the San Jose Mercury News, (April 14, 2008, “Amid state budget crunch, UC runs island paradise”), “The University of California has created a little-known South Pacific station it calls research “paradise” on what some travelers consider the most beautiful island in the world.” It must be nice, “[s]urrounded by clear waters lapping white-sand beaches, and covered by forests topped by jagged peaks, it’s ‘UC Berkeley’s best-kept secret,’ declares the Berkeley Science Review. Real estate agents call it ‘Fantasy Island.’”Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fontana’s Mark Nuaimi – Star of YouTube!

I’ve penned two commentaries (the first, the second) on the irrepressible Mark Nuaimi, who we call the "King of Fontana" because of his "my way or the highway" style of leadership. I still am getting stuff e-mailed to me on the guy, and since someone got this creative, I thought I would share this videos! You really have to have grated on someone for them to go through the trouble to produce this… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Frank Schubert: Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career

Longtime FR friend Frank Schubert writes a weekly column on his website, Frank’s Rants. When I read his latest one, I thought it was a perspective definitely worth sharing, and Frank gave me a green light to reprint it, in full, here. A "must read" for every Republican legislator in the Capitol — especially those in the State Assembly – Flash

Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career By Frank Schubert

Governor Schwarzenegger is barnstorming the state telling anyone who willRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Frank Schubert: Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career

Longtime FR friend Frank Schubert writes a weekly column on his website, Frank’s Rants. When I read his latest one, I thought it was a perspective definitely worth sharing, and Frank gave me a green light to reprint it, in full, here. A "must read" for every Republican legislator in the Capitol — especially those in the State Assembly – Flash

Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career By Frank Schubert

Governor Schwarzenegger is barnstorming the state telling anyone who willRead More

Jon Fleischman

Aunt Jenny’s Catering Menu – To Feed Your Appetite For Higher Taxes

The California Republican Party has graciously helped Senator Oropeza and Sacramento Democrats properly index their “Appetite For Higher Taxes.”

In honor of Senator Jenny Oropeza’s SB 1443, which tells caterers what they must do with their leftover food we proudly bring you: Aunt Jenny’s Catering Menu. (See the full size version here.)

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A sad day for property rights

The city of Seal Beach Monday ended a two-year battle over home improvements in a portion of town and their decision is bad for property rights.

At issue was zoning that allowed homeowner to build up and make their homes as high as three-stories. The city council voted on Monday to change the zoning and ban these home improvements.

I wrote on this issue way back in January 2007 and I thought the good guys won, but the vote on Monday was 4-1 (thank you councilman Mike Levitt for standing up for the cause of liberty). Councilman Ybaben apparently couldn’t take the heat and recently resigned from the council, his successor was not as wise nor as friendly to the rights of property owners.

The Orange County Register reported: James David, who lives in a one-story home in Old Town between two three-story homes, said his property rights are violated because there is too much shade cast on his home by one of the three-storyRead More