The Obama we never knew: ACORN
With all the excitement aboutmoonbat Rev. Jeremiah Wright it’s easy to forget other aspects of Obama’s controversial past life.
He’s a youthful candidate with a lot of history.
John Fund’s April 29th Wall Street Journal piece onVoter Fraud, Fund noted that Obama represented the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now [ACORN] on a voting rights case in 1995.
That caught my attention. Does anyone know about ACORN?
I sued ACORN on behalf of the California Republican Party in 1998 when a mob of 50 plus people were brought to the CRP offices in a bus. ACORN invaded our Headquarters, intimidated staff and conducted a sit down strike for several hours. The party was given no notice. Someof their membersdestroyed a $5000.00 Ronald Reagan portrait. I sued for the portrait damage. . ACORN retained several high powered attorneys from major downtown law firms [ pro bono] and we duked it out. They argued we interfered with their rights to free expression! How Stalinist. We argued they were… Read More