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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Streaker Hits East Capitol Steps! [Was This Bonnie Garcia’s Escaped Frog Jump Contestant?]

This really just happened. He came from near the east side pond. I guess this confirms that Bonnie must have kissed her frog. Alas the Capitol security had to subdue and take the would-be Prince away before he could enter the building…

see previously the Bee’s caption contest featuring Bonnie pictured with her frog.… Read More

Ray Haynes

A Permanent Minority?

It is never a good thing to talk about elections in the middle of an election. I already know that, if there are responses to what I write, they will be mostly ad hominem. The conservative movement, however, is worth the criticism. As a political force, the conservative movement is dying in California, and it is dying because too many of our conservative leaders have allowed their personal agendas to trump the principles they claim to espouse.

Let me first explain what I mean. I don’t count consultants as conservative leaders. They will pick up the cause of whoever writes the check. One problem is that too many activists confuse consultants with principle. They believe that political consultants actually believe in more than the fifteen per cent they collect from their clients. The fact is that consultants serve candidates or their pocketbook, not causes. They are an important part of the political process but they cannot drive it. They have to feed their family first, and that need too often trumps principle.They are the tacticians, they are not the leaders. The two cannot be confused if we ever wish to create a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Prop 99 Is Worse Than The Status Quo – Claimed Homeowner Protections Easily Circumvented

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has penned this very sobering column that exposes why the League of California Cities and the Redevelopment Community in California is so supportive of Proposition 99 — it is worse than doing nothing.

For the past several months, local government interests, including the League of California Cities and the California State Association of Counties, have spent millions of dollars touting Prop. 99 as ironclad protection for Californians who fear having their homes seized by local governments to be turned over to private developers for strip-malls and other for-profit projects.

But the list of property rights experts who reject this claim is growing. This is because Prop. 99 includes significant loopholes that will allow public agencies to continue… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Prop 99 Is Worse Than The Status Quo – Claimed Homeowner Protections Easily Circumvented

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has penned this very sobering column that exposes why the League of California Cities and the Redevelopment Community in California is so supportive of Proposition 99 — it is worse than doing nothing.

For the past several months, local government interests, including the League of California Cities and the California State Association of Counties, have spent millions of dollars touting Prop. 99 as ironclad protection for Californians who fear having their homes seized by local governments to be turned over to private developers for strip-malls and other for-profit projects.

But the list of property rights experts who reject this claim is growing. This is because Prop. 99 includes significant loopholes… Read More

Brandon Powers

San Bernardino County Supervisorial Candidate Rita Vogler Wants to Repeal Prop 13

In 1978, after years of scandalous actions by local agencies in the definition of property taxes, voters passed Prop 13 setting a single statewide standard. It has become the ‘third rail’ in California politics because of the protections against abuse it offers taxpayers as well as guaranteeing a great tax rate.

In 1980, Prop 8 was passed to define who, how, and why property was to be reassessed for lower values, again offering a landmark protection against bureaucrats who were continuing to raise property taxes even though property was going down in value.

For over 25 years these two bulwarks against government intrusion into our lives have protected families and land owners big and small.

That is why when a politician comes along promising to lower property taxes unilaterally, I smile – because even though it sounds great, they are really offering to repeal Prop 13 and Prop 8.

Hesperia Councilwoman Rita Vogler, a large land owner herself, is running against Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt in the First District in San Bernardino County.

Councilwoman Vogler has built part of her fortune on the low, predictable property tax rates afforded by… Read More

James V. Lacy

Obama and drivers licenses for illegal aliens

I am very pleased to be working with my friend Floyd Brown onthe legalities of aproject to inform the public of Barrack Obama’s policy positions and what can be done abourt it. Check out this post by O.C. Register Political reporter Martin Wisckol.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Sup. Janet Nguyen Will Pay Jimmy Camp

I thought I’d update FR readers on the Janet-owes-Jimmy situation down here in OC that I posted about on Wednesday.

Late yesterday morning, I spoke with Jimmy, who had earlier been in conversations with Team Janet.

According to Jimmy, the matter has been resolved and Janet’s campaign will pay Jimmy the final $2,500 of his win bonus.

Janet consultant Dave Gilliard said, "It was a misunderstanding among friends that was easily worked out once we all compared notes."

Kudos to Janet for making this right and lancing an unnecessary boil.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

State Fish & Game greenlights 241 Toll Road Completion

[Cross-posted from OC Blog]

After the virtual media blackout on the US Fish & Wildlife’s announcement last week that completing the 241 won’t threaten endangered species, I wonder if they’ll be any media coverage as a similar announcement from the California Department of Fish & Game:

State Fish & Game Provides Permit for 241 Toll Road

On the heels of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) announcement that completing the 241 would not harm any endangered or threatended animals, the California Department of Fish & Game today issued its state permit to allow the traffic relief project to proceed. This is the third and final wildlife approval the project needs.

Last year the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its determination that the project would not adversely affect the steelhead

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