Canadian “Human Rights” Commissions Coming to California?
There is an ominous cloud on the horizon and conservative bloggers (and their readers) should beware. Conservative author, blogger and commentator Mark Steyn is about to go on trial in Canada to face charges of spreading “hate and contempt” for Muslims. A chapter of Steyn’s book “America Alone” was published in Canadian magazine Maclean’s, which drew complaints from Islamic Canadians who disagree with Steyn’s warnings about an encroaching Islamic state in Europe and the West.
In Canada, this type of “hate speech” is against the law. British Columbia actually outlaws any images or language “likely to expose a person…to hatred or contempt” for a variety of reasons, including religion, marital status or sexual orientation. So Mark Steyn now finds himself a defendant before both the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal and the Canadian Human Rights Commission simply because he wrote a book expressing his opinions about a religion and its impact on the world.