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Jon Fleischman

Gun Shows Are Good Business

I’m out at the Ontario Convention Center where a large turnout is on hand for one of the many Gun Shows that come through convention centers around America.

The American people own more guns than any army on the planet, and that is a good thing. A cornerstone to our republic is a healthy respect that power should rest, ultimately, with the people. While this colloqual expression typically refers to the role of the voters, there is no doubt to the implied power of a well armed American public (I am sure that criminals wish the public was unarmed).

What is that expression? “A government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take it all away.”

Now I am not some sort of anarchist, and believe in the lawful possession and use of firearms (although government has gone too far in infringing on the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms-

But its just comfortably reassuring that we live in a country where — people have guns.

Anyways, looking at all of the commerce taking place here — guns are big business. Which takes us to the dumb legislation winding its way through… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Rao CRA Endorsement in Assembly 15?

I’m not the Bay Area blogger, but I just got an odd email over the wire that relates to that region. 15th Assembly District Republican candidate Richard Rao just sent me a release claiming the endorsement of the Contra Costa CRA (California Republican Assembly) Chapter. It’s odd because, and I could be wrong, I believe that a CRA endorsement requires a formal convention with all the chapters in a given legislative district. I do not believe such a convention has been held. I don’t believe individual chapters can endorse on their own.

All these complicated rules confuse me a bit, and I’m not expert on the CRA, so maybe someone with a little more insight can clear this one up?

(Disclosure: Duane Dichiara is a partner at Coronado Communications, which has been hired to run the race of Judy Lloyd, another Republican in the race)Read More

Mike Spence

Ron George Gives GOP Chance to Reach Hispanic Voters.

Every two years, I’ve heard about how the GOP is reaching out to Hispanic Voters. Some years that means Viva! Fill in the blank candidate bumper stickers. Other years it means a nice conference at an expensive hotel.

Now the liberals on the State Supreme Court have given Republicans an opportunity to connect in a real way on an issue that matters. The family.

Survey USA results show that Hispanics support the proposed initiative more than any other ethnic group.

So will the GOP and other groups that want to reach out to more Californians (New Majority, CRAFT) actually reach out on this issue or will they hide?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Republicans Who Voted For The “Big Government” Farm Bill Want The GOP To Stay In The Minority

We have some big challenges facing the Republican Party in Congress right now. The GOP lost our majority 2006 in a large part because our party became that which we opposed – the party of big spending. When the 2006 elections were over, the Club for Growth conducted surveys in 15 competitive House seats (where neither candidate was tainted with scandal) and guess what they found out? The GOP had completely lost its fiscal conservative branding. The most startling results was when those polled asked which political party in Washington was “The Party of Big Government” – the results? Republicans 39.3% and Democrats 27.9% – shocking, and sad. (Read more about the CfG survey here).

Yesterday, the lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal was all about how the Republicans, now in the minority in Congress, still don’t get it (in terms of the need for fiscal restraint).Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Republicans Who Voted For The “Big Government” Farm Bill Want The GOP To Stay In The Minority

We have some big challenges facing the Republican Party in Congress right now. The GOP lost our majority 2006 in a large part because our party became that which we opposed – the party of big spending. When the 2006 elections were over, the Club for Growth conducted surveys in 15 competitive House seats (where neither candidate was tainted with scandal) and guess what they found out? The GOP had completely lost its fiscal conservative branding. The most startling results was when those polled asked which political party in Washington was “The Party of Big Government” – the results? Republicans 39.3% and Democrats 27.9% – shocking, and sad. (Read more about the CfG survey here).

Yesterday, the lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal was all about how the Republicans, now in the minority in Congress, still don’t get it (in terms of the need for fiscal restraint).Read More

Jon Fleischman

Recall back on? Perata transfers $110k into Recall Denham Committee

This time of the political season, we are all following the late-contribution reports to see where the money is flowing — and a lot of it has been moving around — millions.

Nary lost amongst the other activity was this transfer of $110,000 from "Leadership California" (Lame-Duck Senate President Don Perata’s PAC) to the "We Deserve Better; Yes on the Recall of Jeff Denham" PAC.

Given Perata’s public pronouncements recently that he was pulling the plug on any attempt to recall Denham, this transfer raises serious questions. In addition, the pro-recall committee still has yet to return several six figure contributions sent in by labor unions in recent days.

So it begs the question – is the recall back on?

Senator Denham, of course, hasn’t let up from campaigning against this petty political recall instigated by Perata in one of his frequent "I am four years old"… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Libs Overplay Their Hand On Gay Marriage

John Fund in today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

One More Time, Liberals Overplay Their Hand on Gay Marriage

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Brandon Powers

Mitzelfelt Campaign Continuing to Cruise

San Bernardino County Supervisor (and former FR Blogger) Brad Mitzelfelt seems to be well on track to being re-elected.

Just one little comparison to show how the race is going.

Brad hasbeen all over ABC tv, appearing on World News Tonight and on Good Morning America touting his efforts to keep sex offenders from stalking children behind the wheel of an ice cream truck. Pretty nice opportunity – being able to appear on network tv, talking about a popularissue just before anelection.

By contrast, Brad’s opponent – a woman who decided to base her campaign on the surefire-winning issue of campaign finance reform – hasn’t been able to keep from repeatedly tripping over herself. From failing to and lying about filing her Campaign Finance documents, to now questions arising of whether she hid assets on her Statement of Economic Interest forms, Rita Vogler has been her own biggest obstacle to competitiveness.

But as we sit here two and a half weeks from Election Day – Brad is looking awfully good.… Read More