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Jon Fleischman

HJTA Updates Members on Budget Revision

TO: Members and Friends, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association FROM: Jon Coupal, President SUBJ: California State Budget Yesterday, the Governor released his "May Revision" of his earlier budget proposal. The "May Revise," as it is called, takes into account more recent financial considerations of which our political leaders were unaware back in January. HJTA has several concerns about the Governor’s May Revise. First and foremost, it reflects another failure by projecting a level of spending in excess of revenue. The fact is, the taxpayers of California have done their job — and then some. You have provided political leadership with billions of dollars more than just a few years ago. In fact, general fund spending has about doubled in just ten years, from $50 billion to $100 billion. It may be a worn-out expression, but it is fundamentally true: California does not… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Villines Expressed Disappointment In Supreme Court Decision

Offsetting the glee from the loony-left, Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines issued this strong statement in response to the Supreme Court decision to, in essence, prepare the way for legal same-sex marriage in California…

I am very disappointed that the California Supreme Court, by the narrowest of margins, would allow their own personal partisan views to get in the way of their duty to uphold the rule of law by thwarting the will of the overwhelming majority of Californians who voted in support of Proposition 22. Fortunately, more than 1 million Californians have signed ballot petitions to place a constitutional amendment before the voters this November that will write into theRead More

Congressman John Campbell

The Campbell Quiz

I read a lot of political discourse that is pretty tedious and boring. I never want this blog to sink to that level. I understand that there is always a risk of that when I bring up such scintillating topics as international tax policy and mortgage origination regulations. Stop yawning!

Anyway, so here is the very first Campbell Quiz. These are a few questions about current events in Congress and politics. And no, I will not make you wait until next week to find the answers. They are all at the end of each question. Good luck, have fun…….oh yeah and maybe you’ll learn something you didn’t know too!

1) Two weeks ago, Congress passed a "technical corrections bill" that contained hundreds of new transportation earmarks including $90 million to study a "maglev" (magnetic levitation) train. This train would run a route that is currently served by dozens of daily airline flights and at a fare of about $118. If it takes $90 million to study it, imagine what it would take to subsidize it. This train would run between:

a) New York and Washington b) Anaheim and Las… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State Supremes Overturn Prop. 22

Minutes ago the California State Supreme Court released its decision on the gay marriage question (they were looking at the constitutionality of voter-passed Proposition 22, which placed into statute that marriage shall be between a man and a woman).

On a 4-3 decision, the Supremes OVERTURNED Proposition 22, striking the language from California law.

You can read their decision here.

You can be sure that the liberal Democrats who control the legislature will have a homesexual marriage bill on the Governor’s desk as quick they possibly can, which he apparently will sign.

The Governor released this one-sentence response to the court’s ruling: “I respect the Court’s decision and as Governor, I will uphold its ruling. Also, as I have said in the past, I will not support an amendment to the constitution that would overturn this state Supreme Court ruling.”

Note that the Governor refrains from any subjective statements such as "I am disappointed by this… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Unheralded Key Player in the Election of Speaker Karen Bass

Yesterday much to-do was made of this historic nature of the California Assembly electing its first African American female Speaker. There isn’t an article that appears in a major newspaper today on Bass’ taking the oath of office that does not mention this fact. But there is a very important fact that is not mentioned. A critical factor is left out of the story. A factor so important that without its occurrence, it is extremely unlikely that Speaker Bass would have been elected…

Legislative term limits.

If the “ruling class” of the Capitol had been successful in passing Proposition 93, the term-limits weakening measure placed on the ballot by former Speaker Fabian Nunez, this “historic event” never would have taken place. Without the voter-enacted three-term limit for members of the State Assembly, Karen Bass would not have had an opportunity to become Speaker. In fact, without Proposition 140’s limits, it is entirely likely that Bass would never have been elected… Read More

Meredith Turney

CA Supreme Court to Rule on Proposition 22 Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. the California Supreme Court is expected to release its ruling regarding the constitutionality of Proposition 22 and homosexual marriage bans. Neither side of the debate is certain the ruling will be in their favor. Homosexual activists believe the ruling will overturn Prop 22 and are encouraging their supporters to meet throughout the state in “celebration” parties. Traditional marriage proponents are bracing for a negative ruling, but optimistic that the court will do the right thing and not defy the will of the people. Either way, it’s going to be a BIG news day for California as the rest of the nation looks to our state and the precedent this ruling will set.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Unheralded Key Player in the Election of Speaker Karen Bass

Yesterday much to-do was made of this historic nature of the California Assembly electing its first African American female Speaker. There isn’t an article that appears in a major newspaper today on Bass’ taking the oath of office that does not mention this fact. But there is a very important fact that is not mentioned. A critical factor is left out of the story. A factor so important that without its occurrence, it is extremely unlikely that Speaker Bass would have been elected… Legislative term limits.

If the “ruling class” of the Capitol had been successful in passing Proposition 93, the term-limits weakening measure placed on the ballot by former Speaker Fabian Nunez, this “historic event” never would have taken place. Without the voter-enacted three-term limit for members of the State Assembly, Karen Bass would not have had an opportunity to become Speaker. In fact,… Read More

Tab Berg

Free Advice: if you claim to be a life-long Republican, it would be nice if you really were.

I noted the interesting "want ad" from my friend Tom Ross soliciting money for an effort to help Paul Hegyi’s campaign.

So here’s my free, unsolicited and likely unwanted advice:

If your 32-year candidate says " I’ve spent my life working for conservative Republican causes and candidates…," you might want to make sure he actually was a life-long Republican.

It turns out Paul has only been a Registered Republican in Sacramento since 2005... before that he never voted in a Republican Primary in Sacramento County because he was registered Decline To State… Seems like we’ve heard this story before (queue Mary Jo Ford music).. PS: here’s my disclaimer — I’m working on the campaign of David Sander – who actually is a life-long Republican and is godfather of my twin girls.… Read More