Bob Barr for President? Ech!
Now that former Congressman and House Clintonimpeachment manager Bob Barr is the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, one might ask, will he compromise his principles and take the Federal matching funds to pay for his campaign?
Well, it’s very unlikely he’ll get any Federal money, even if he secretly wants it.
Since 1976 there has been a "check-off" on tax returns to allow taxpayers to designate what is now $3 per return to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. The Federal Election Commission has devised a formula for candidates and parties to get the money from the U.S. Treasury, but to get it there are strings attached.
Among the strings are you have to agree to abide by the "national spending limit," which for 2008 is $84.1 million; and you can’t put in more than $50,000 of personal funds. The parties also have to limit what they can spend to help out in the campaign. But if you are in a major party (i.e., Republican or Democrat) all you have to do is raise a little more than $42 million in small contributions and the government will give you a check for the… Read More