Impressive Turnout for Denham Rally and Precinct Walk Against Recall
There was an impressive turnout of volunteers this morning at the Modesto headquarters of Senator Jeff Denham’s campaign against the recall.Almost 100activists heard words of encouragement from Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill, California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring, Assemblyman Tom Berryhill and congressional candidate Dean Andal (see them all, along with Senator Denham, in the photo below to the right, taken by Bob Phelan).Despite the noteworthy presence of several of the state’s top GOP leaders, a number of the volunteers were local Democrats outraged at Don Perata’s abuse of the recall process.
Senator Denhamtold the assembled precinct walkersthat even thoughSenate President Pro Tem Perata has publicly declaredhe is no longer funding the pro-recall campaign, voters need to be reminded that the issue remains on the June 3rd ballot, particularly given the expected low turn-out on… Read More