McClintock Winning BIG in 4th CD
I just returned from the Placer County Republican Party election night victory party where a jubilant crowd was celebrating Tom McClintock’s win over Doug Ose. With 70% of precincts reporting as of this posting, it appears that McClintock has won a decisive double-digit victory over Ose. Despite being outspent by millions (this was the second most expensive congressional race in U.S. history), McClintock and the conservative message won.
It was clear from the beginning of this race that the 4th CD campaign would be a microcosm of the larger battle within the Republican Party between moderates/liberals and conservatives. As Senator McClintock declared in his address to supporters tonight, the nation was watching the voters of our district, and tonight the message is clear: the conservative movement is alive and will soon spread across the nation. In his speech, McClintock boldly stated that in years to come America will look back on this evening as the beginning of a movement that will return America to its founding principles. For the sake of our nation, I hope that is true and I know that Congressman Tom McClintock will be one of the “Founding Fathers” of this… Read More