Cal-Tax Survey: Prop. 13 Good For California
The California Taxpayers Association ("Cal-Tax") is one of the leading pro-taxpayer organizations in Sacramento. I cannot tell you how many assaults take place on California taxpayers that only come to light because of the work they do focusing on the vast amount of terrible legislation proposed by Sacramento liberals.
Leading up to tomorrow’s 30th anniversary of Proposition 13, Cal-Tax President Teresa Casazza (pictured to the right) unveiled a new study today that lbusts a myth perpetrated by -the spending lobby. According to the Tax study, “Revisiting Proposition 13,” the landmark initiative has NOT shifted the property tax burden from businesses to homeowners, as the liberals constantly claim. Cal-Tax says: “Since passage of the initiative, the assessed value of non-homeowner property subject to Proposition 13 has grown an average of 8.5 percent per year, while homeowners’ property has… Read More