Call Legislators for Free, Courtesy of the CTA
Earlier this week I was alerted to the fact that the CTA was promoting a “community call-in day” to pressure lawmakers to not cut education spending. The CTA provided a toll-free number for their members to call legislators and tell them to raise taxes to fix the budget crisis. So we at CRI decided to help out the CTA with their plan to disperse the toll-free number far and wide. After we sent out our email last night to our supporters, the Sac Bee picked up the story… (h/t to Steve Frank)
Conservative jiu-jitsu
The Capitol Resource Institute, which lobbies Sacramento on conservative social policies, has blasted an e-mail to its statewide network of supporters urging them to call their local legislator — on their opponent’s dime.
"Use Teacher Union’s Money to Call Legislators!" blared the subject line of the e-mail.
Today is a "community call-in" day for members of the California Teachers Association.
Here’s the CRI’s not-so-secret plan:… Read More