Daddy-Day Reading…
Here are a few choice items to read on this quiet Father’s Day, when you aren’t watching to see if Tiger Woods can hold his one-stroke lead going into the final day of the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines, or wincing tonight as we see if the Lakers can at least not end their season on home turf…
Here is State GOP Vice Chairman Doug Boyd’s take-away from a recent speech by Gov. Crist of FL in Orange County and the reaction from nearly a thousand GOPers to Crist’s reference to Arnold… on Red County’s LA Blog… Straight from Congressman John Campbell’s Green Eyeshade Blog – Read it and weep, as Jerry Lewis’ (R-CA) former top staffer lays out the virtual quid-pro-quo on earmarks. Last week, Americans for Prosperity’s California Chapter hosted a rally on the State Capitol steps against tax increases – after which members of AFP carried piles of petitions in to State … Read More