Good Riddance
Rarely have I been so delighted to see an era pass as the finality of the Biden Administration. It was borne from an international pandemic and a perverse hatred for the incumbent president. An ill-equipped person was drafted as a candidate to assure victory, if he could be called a “candidate.” He barely campaigned as his handlers thought he was better hidden from the public to disguise his severe weaknesses. For his V-P, he drafted a highly unpopular and incapable person who had two principal attributes – being female and black. From these facts how could anything but disastrous results have occurred? It was pre-ordained. Biden started his destruction quickly. He enacted 17 executive orders his first day and 42 more in the first one hundred days — the most by a president since Harry Truman. Largely they were to overturn anything Trump had done because everything he did was perceived as evil by nature. Except for the tariffs. Biden and his economic team badmouthed the tariffs but could not quit the estimated $80 billion in revenue they brought in every year. After all, Biden had big — very big — spending plans. They began… Read More