Michael Der Manouel, Jr.
Michael Der Manouel, Jr. is a 20 year volunteer veteran of California Politics. First Elected as Fresno County GOP Chairman in 1993, he subsequently served the California Republican Party as Vice Chairman Central from 1995-99, Treasurer from 1999-2001 and presently serves as co founder and Chairman of the Lincoln Club of Fresno County (
www.fresnolincolnclub.org) .
A frequest contributor to the op ed pages of the Fresno Bee and guest host and host on Newstalk 580 KMJ, Mike has established himself as a clear conservative thinker, not afraid to take on Democrats and an increasing number of wayward Republicans over the issues of the day.
Mike has been married to Melissa for 23 years, and with two children Grant (14) and Evie (10), has an active schedule as President of the Der Manouel Insurance Group, numerous local non profit boards, family fun and of course, political commentary.
Posts by Michael Der Manouel, Jr.: