BOE Member George Runner

Elected in November 2010 and re-elected in 2014, George Runner represents more than nine million Californians as a member of the State Board of Equalization. He is a leading advocate for California taxpayers.
During his time on the Board, Runner has worked to improve California’s tax policies and practices and to create and retain more private sector jobs in our state.
Prior to his election to the Board, Runner served twelve years in the State Legislature, authoring the well-known California Amber Alert and California's Blue Alert.
Runner and his late wife, Senator Sharon Runner, were the first husband and wife in California history to have served concurrently in the Legislature. They authored Jessica's Law, a ballot initiative approved by more than 70 percent of California voters in November 2006.
Runner served on the Lancaster City Council, including two years as mayor. In 1976 the Runners founded Desert Christian Schools, which is now one of the largest private schools in California.
Posts by BOE Member George Runner: