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James V. Lacy

Orange County Taxpayers Assn. Voter guide a JOKE!!!

The Orange County Taxpayers Association Voter Guide, Reed Royalty, President, just put out an expensive voter guide in Orange County.   What a laugh!  I pity the poor consultant (John Lewis) who had to produce it for Royalty.

     It lists among many Republican candidates for Orange County nonpartisan office, liberal Democrat Webster Guillory for Orange County Assessor.  Guillory, a long term and aged, post Social Security retirement incumbent who has never been competently challenged, and who is an African American, is the only Countywide administrative candidate whose picture the Orange County Taxpayers Association does not include in the mailing.  Very sad.  Guillory’s opponent, Claude Parrish, is endorsed by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the National Tax Limitation Committee, the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee and former Republican Governor George Dukemejian.  There is no question that the Orange County Taxpayers Assocation endorsement of Guillory is a complete bunch of B.S. and must be a part of the "old boy" network that movements such as the Tea Party are so sickened and opposed too.

     Liberal Democrat Guillory is also at the center of a brewing scandal involving waste of $21 million of taxpayer funds according to the OC government employees union, for botching a computer system in his office.  I know Guillory is a liberal because when I was a member of the Orange County Fire Authority Board of Directors he lobbied OCFA to pay legal fees to undermine Proposition 13 protections in court.  Let alone assessing my own house illegally under Prop. 13!  And working for Howard Jarvis was my first job out of law school, so I should know!