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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Importance of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

I am very pleased that once again the FlashReport has partnered up with our friends at Americans for Tax Reform to talk about the importance of the ATR Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to unveil the list of those candidates who have signed the pledge (thus far) in the 2010 primaries here in California for statewide office, as well as candidates for the state legislature.  ATR’s President, Grover Norquist, pens an exclusive column for us today talking about the Pledge and California, and below his column is the list of Pledge signers.  You can check out his column here.

In talking about the importance of the pledge, I am actually going to enlist the aid of my good friend Assemblyman and U.S. Senate candidate Chuck DeVore, who takes about two minutes to talk about the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and why it is important in this video…

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: The Importance of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    I have executed the ATR Tax Protection Pledge. The default position of most conservative candidates is to balance the budget.
    I want to slash the budget. The default position is to vote against tax increases. I want to slash tax rates.

    I continue to work in building the framework for my “California Investment and Prosperity Act of 2011” The cheif cornerstone of the act is to reduce tax rates across the board to re-ignite our economy.

    While the Sacramento democrats have long been the champions of ebery noble cause, we can no longer afford or tolerate the unrestained growth of prophylactic statism that protects against the spread of our liberty.

    The increased awareness of the ATR pledge is becoming more noticeable in the MSM. The push back against the infamous “Sacramento Six” who voted with democrats to raise our taxes $16 Billion Dollars, has been monumental.

    I will be replacing Assemblyman Anthony Adams in the 59th district. Adams signed the ATR pledge to get elected and then threw us all under the bus with the same arrogance and statism that the Democrats embrace.

    It is imperative to hold these pledge breakers accountable. Adams pro tax vote ended his political career.

    Lowering Tax rates will both re-ignite our economy and increase revenue to Government over time.


  2. Says:

    There you go again, Jon, off the rails to the far far far right. This tax pledge is bogus. If it had been in effect, Governor and later President Ronald Reagan would get bashed by you and all your far right wing-nut fellows because Reagan authored the largest tax increase in California’s history and again authored tax increases when President. Reagan knew (and you should know) that sometimes it is necessary to raise taxes. But if Ronald Reagan were alive today you would be yelling from the housetops liar and fraud at him.

  3. Says:

    Lets have a history lesson Bob….the increasing numbers of progressives, socialists, communists in the Democrat party in California have made choices: feeding annually government employee unions wages, benefits and pensions at the expense of the infirmed, disabled, sickly seniors, the poor who will loose billions in needed health and welfare under the new state budget.

    The state is broke under Democrat rule and we could face chaos in the streets. Citizens are in fear for their physical health, security, jobs, being taxed out of their homes due to the many years of fiscal mismanagment by Democrats.

    High paying jobs and rich people are leaving California in droves and being replaced by low skilled service jobs and a citizen population in dire straits as far as health care, affordable housing and they are being betrayed by a miserable public education system…

    So Bob here you go again…. tell us awful Republicans how are Democrats going to wiggle out of a 36 billion dollar budget short fall….remember we don’t see citizens falling for extending the sales tax increase or outrageous increases in auto registration fees Democrats, in mass, gleefully passed a couple moons ago!!!

  4. Says:

    Oh my goodness, Robert – I resent and repudiate your calling Ronald Reagan a progressive, socialist and communist. Ronald Reagan was a realist, and, in my opinion, possessed a superior sense of what to do that was correct during his time in office.

  5. Says:

    Bob I cannot speak for Reagan. He was far from perfect. His closing of mental health hospitals lead to a huge homeless problem in California.

    What we do know…spending in California has not helped. So…..instead of ancient history tell us how Democrats are going to make California great….more of the same tax and spend?