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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Sarah Palin Endorsement Bolster Conservative “Street Credentials” For Carly Fiorina

Yesterday former Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential nominee turned national grassroots conservative phenomenon Sarah Palin endorsed the candidacy of Carly Fiorina for United States Senate. 

This endorsement is a big boost to Fiorina’s candidacy amongst conservatives — and is a significant blow to the campaign of Chuck DeVore. Fiorina has been striving hard to make the case to voters that she is a conservative candidate — but there is no doubt that she is not as conservative as one of her opponents, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.  Of course, Tom Campbell completely occupies the moderate end of the GOP spectrum, based on his record on fiscal and social issues.

One of the key necessities of a DeVore primary victory is to paint Fiorina as more of a moderate, and there is no doubt that a Palin endorsement of Fiorina makes that task significantly more challenging.

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14 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Sarah Palin Endorsement Bolster Conservative “Street Credentials” For Carly Fiorina”

  1. Says:

    As far as I am Concerned this endorsement has cost Sarah Palin here credibility. She first endorsed John McCain, now we add Carly Fiorina and we have a pattern of Pailn endorsing moderates. I classify Tom Campbell as a Liberal Republican, Carly Fiorina as a Moderate Republican. Dispite what Carly says about her self Chuck DeVore is the only Conservative in this race.

    Please check out this web page:

    She supported the Wall Street bailouts.

    She supported Cap and Trade.

    She supported the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayer.

    She has criticized the new Arizona immigration law.

    Before she was fired as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, she allowed the company to sell technology to Iran.

    And last year when liberal Democrats and moderate Republicans were trying to push through a massive tax increase in a California referendum, Carly Fiorina had “no comment.”

  2. Says:

    Palin is trying to line up big money behind her run for President in 2012. She will however have lost the grassroots conservatives by then.

  3. Says:

    Anthony Porrello took the words right out of my mouth. I am totally confused about Sarah Palin’s politics. Is she also becoming a political whore? Even though I am confused about Palin’s politics I am very clear about my decision on Palin, she can keep endorsing people, than we will really find out who Palin is. Sign me disappointed conservative.

  4. Says:

    There you go again, Jon, off the rails to the far far right. To me, a vote for either Fiorina or DeVore is a vote for Boxer. Unless Campbell is the Republican nominee, Boxer will win in a walk. If Republicans want a pragmatic but fiscally conservative senator, they will vote for Campbell in the primary and later turn out their friends and neighbors to vote for Campbell in the general. If they want a true-blue right winger they will vote for DeVore in the primary and then watch Boxer clean his clock and win the general election.

  5. Says:

    and you have what evidence to support your assertion Bob? Campbell’s barn-burning performance against Feinstein in 2000?

  6. Says:

    Mark, Feinstein was, and is, unbeatable. Boxer is not – if the Republican candidate is a pragmatic fiscally conservative but moderate on social issues candidate. Campbell has a long shot possibility of winning the seat. The other Republican candidates carry to much baggage. That is my opinion and not my evidence.

  7. Says:

    PS: If, in your opinion, Fiorina or DeVore are the better candidates who can beat Boxer, the go ahead and vote for either of them instead of Campbell. But, if you want to eliminate Ms. Boxer from the national scene, then, in my opinion, the candidate with the best chance to do the deed is Campbell.

  8. Says:

    We are suppoosed to vote and endorse our values not who can beat who. That kind of attitude gave us the current California governor Arnold Kennedy.

  9. Says:

    What is the difference between Campbell and Boxer? If Campbell won the primary I doubt he could beat Boxer. The Dems will still vote for Boxer and the Republicans will be turned off by his Liberal/Progressive views. Should the impossible happen and actually get elected in November Tom Campbell will give the Republican Party a black eye with all his liberal shenanigans in years to come. We don’t need another Arnold type representing California. Haven’t we learned our lesson yet?

    The only person who can beat Boxer but actually fix the problems in Washington is the only true Conservative in this Race and that is Chuck DeVore.

    Here’s the most recent polling numbers from the independent Rasmussen poll.

    Fiorina 38% – Boxer 42%

    DeVore 39% – Boxer 42%

    Campbell 41% – Boxer 43%

    That means Fiornia is statistically tied with Boxer.

    DeVore is actually one point better than Fiorina).

  10. Says:

    As far as I’ve read, Campbell is pro-gay marriage, anti-gun and he is not even a fiscal conservative! So what’s left to like? If you want a dem, vote for the dem. As for me, I’m going with the so called “true-blue right winger”!

  11. Says:

    The left (Courrage Campaign) doesnt like his immigration policies they are trying to twitter bomb the fact that Tom doesnt want amnesty or anything like that.

    The far left and the far right dont like Tom.

    DeVore or Fiorina, if either get nominated I’ll vote for them, but if they win in November I’ll offer Jon a $20 gift card to one of my friends restaurants (owned by athe 2008 AD 61 nominee) in Pomona where they serve great sandwitches.

  12. Says:

    Here is a link to the US Senate debate:

    Any of them would be better than Boxer. However, I trust Chuck DeVore most since he has been steadfast in his principles and positions.

    Trust is a big issue with the public right now since we seen too many Republicans who say one thing to get elected and do quite the opposite once in office and I’m not just referring to Arnold.

  13. Says:

    Dr. Consiglio:

    I always enjoy your comments here, because they exemplify one
    of Willam F. Buckley Jr.’s favorite words.

    That Buckley-favored word is “trenchant.” I’m sure WFB would
    approve of the trenchant arguments you always make!

    (Mr. Buckley used the word in responding to a letter I wrote
    to him back in the 1970s. I had to look up its meaning).

  14. Says:

    Why thank you James. I like that word!