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Jon Fleischman

*Breaking News* Official Transition Date Announced – Dutton To Become Senate GOP Leader on September 1…

We are pleased to share with FlashReport readers in this "scoop" that Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth and Senate Republican Leader-Elect Bob Dutton have set out a specific transition date for the "passing of the baton" of leadership from the former to the latter — it will be September 1st.  This date, in theory, will be after this year’s budget has been adopted, and puts Dutton in the saddle for bringing home political victories for Senate Republicans at the ballot box this November.

Here is the text of the memo that they will be releasing with the details — attached below is the spiffy .pdf version on letterhead with initials and such…


May 4, 2010
TO: Senate Republican Caucus
FR: Dennis Hollingsworth, Senate Republican Leader, Bob Dutton, Senate Republican Leader-elect
RE: Leadership Transition

The early identification of the next leader for the Senate Republican Caucus has created the opportunity for unprecedented coordination and multiplication of efforts between the leader and leader-elect. Additionally, it has demonstrated that, as a caucus, we are united in our continuing goals of creating the opportunity for private sector job creation and reforming government bureaucracy.

Private sector job creation is the only strategy that will get the jobless and underemployed back to work, which will lead to stabilization of the budget. This must be done through our continued efforts to eliminate the highest tax burden in America, reduce government regulation and eliminate lawsuit abuse. We must continue to advance real government reforms that will provide confidence to the citizens of California that their government can eliminate waste, fraud and abuse, and not be an obstacle to job creation. These Republican priorities are in stark contrast to the Democrats’ push for more government spending in an attempt to "spend our way out of the problem" and burying the next generation in an ever increasing burden of debt.

After spending the last few months discussing the opportunities that this year presents, we believe that it is now time to establish a transition date that is after budget and upon conclusion of the 2009-2010 Legislative Session. This will allow Senate Republicans to maintain and expand our ability to advance our collective goals and best serve the citizens of our great state. Therefore, we have decided the best possible time for a leadership transition date is September 1, 2010.

We look forward to this date for a successful and seamless transition of caucus leadership and thank you for your continued efforts to improve California’s jobs environment.

(Download Letter Below)