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BOE Member George Runner

What they’re saying: ‘Prisoner release is backfiring’

Here is yet one more major California newspaper reporting “prisoner release is backfiring.”

Is anyone surprised at the grand failure and dangerous consequences of the slap-dashed legislation known as Senate Bill 18xxx that allows the early release of prisoners?

Even though the author of SB 18xxx said the intent of the bill wasn’t to allow early release of county jail inmates, the San Bernardino Sun quotes the county assistant DA saying: “It’s clear from the legislation that it applied to counties. It can’t be any clearer.”

The San Bernardino Sun Editorial Board calls for expedient legislative action to correct the bill. Luckily, such legislation is scheduled for hearing in the Senate Public Safety Committee this week.

Let’s hope this historically liberal committee finds the courage to usher in the first steps of righting a wrong.