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Jon Fleischman

Reagan, Greenfield Issue Statement On Tragic Death of Poland’s Leaders

Over the weekend, was saw and read the tragic news of the airplane crash that took the lives of many of Poland’s political leaders, including that country’s President and First Lady.  I received this statement from FR friends Michael Reagan and Larry Greenfield, who traveled recently to Poland and who called President and Mrs. Kozcynski friends (in the photo below are Reagan, Greenfield and Poland’s First Lady, taken last year) …  This is as good an occasion as any, I suppose, for me to extend congratulations to Greenfield for his new position as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Meg Whitman for Governor campaign.  She will be well served.

Michael Reagan, President of the Reagan Legacy Foundation, and Larry Greenfield, Executive Director, were friends of the Polish President and first lady, Lech and Maria Kozcynski. They have issued a statement on the Foundation’s website here.

Press reports note the intense irony in the fact that the delegation of 97 people from Poland, all of whom have perished in the tragic plane crash, were on their way to commemorate the massacre at Katyn forest by Stalin of Polish army.

The loss of life includes many pro-American Polish political and military leaders, and will deal a heavy blow to the public leadership of the Republic of Poland.

The Reagan Legacy Foundation will continue to work closely with the leaders and citizens of Poland on liberty education projects, including efforts to commemorate the special and unique role of President Ronald Reagan in the West’s victory in the Cold War.

Michael Reagan
Larry Greenfield