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Jon Fleischman

Jennifer Kerns: The Color Purple… or Black ‘n Blue?

This just in from FR friend and conservative media strategist Jennifer Kerns…

The Color Purple… or Black ‘n Blue?
Jennifer Kerns

I recently wrote a piece over at the Fox & Hounds website entitled “The Color Purple,” about the SEIU’s absolute enslavement of California when it comes to pensions, taxes, and the state budget crisis. 

But, it turns out that’s nothing compared to the actual, brutal, physical enslavement of their rank and file members.

A new video making the rounds on YouTube shows exactly what happens when you go off of the proverbial plantation.

The video was reportedly shot while healthcare workers were holding a peaceful discussion about their contracts while on their break in the cafeteria of Garden Grove Hospital in Orange County.  Peaceful, that is, until the entrance of SEIU staffer Lisbeth Castillo, who begins yelling at a hospital employee, lunges at an NUHW volunteer and backhands him.  Looks like something out of an 1850s kitchen fight with the Master. It’s sick, and it’s wrong.

If this doesn’t speak volumes about how the SEIU thinks they are entitled to abusing the system (literally), I don’t know what does.

(content warning: the raw footage does include some profanity)

One Response to “Jennifer Kerns: The Color Purple… or Black ‘n Blue?”

  1. Says:

    The End Days Are At Hand For The Purple Shirts…..