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Meredith Turney

Does Abel Maldonado Really Represent Latino Values?

At the CRP convention last month Abel Maldonado went overboard in his attempt to portray himself as the candidate who will best represent Latinos. His hospitality suite even featured a buffet of Mexican food and a Mariachi band. Campaign pamphlets handed out to attendees included facts about Latinos in California. But despite the public relations campaign, Maldonado’s voting record reveals how out of step he is with Latino values.


The Latino community is socially conservative and family-centered. In 2008, well over 50% of Latinos voted for Proposition 8. But Maldonado has consistently voted for bills that are decidedly anti family values. Last year, Maldonado not only voted for the extremely controversial and divisive Harvey Milk Day bill, during a Senate committee hearing, he publicly attacked a pro-family leader who was testifying against the bill.


Now, Maldonado has once again joined with those pushing progressive, anti-traditional values legislation. ACR 82, by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, would “encourage” public schools make their campuses “Discrimination-Free Zones.” Since no one supports discrimination, that sounds like a fairly noble goal.


But read further and one discovers that to be a “Discrimination-Free Zone,” the legislature wants the schools to “develop and enact policies that support tolerance and acceptance of others,” including homosexuals and transgenders. Keep in mind that this includes “counseling services and conflict management” for students beginning in pre-kindergarten.


True tolerance does not include indoctrinating five-year-olds about homosexuality or transgenderism. Most parents—including the traditional pro-family Latino community—don’t want their young children taught about controversial sexual lifestyles at school. Such matters are best dealt with at home.


Unfortunately, many legislators, including Republicans, have bought into the fallacy of using “diversity training” to prevent so-called “hate crimes.” It is not the responsibility of the law to punish criminals for the hate in their heart, but for their actual criminal behavior. As the government begins to criminalize religious beliefs, we lose our right to freedom of thought and expression. If a kindergarten or second grade student expresses their belief in traditional marriage, they’ll end up in “counseling” sessions for their “discriminatory” beliefs.


Not only is Abel Maldonado a supporter of this legislation, he is the only Republican and senator who is a co-author. Resolutions like ACR 82 will further erode our freedom of speech and the traditional values so many Californians still cherish.  Abel Maldonado is seriously out of step with the very community that he claims to represent.

4 Responses to “Does Abel Maldonado Really Represent Latino Values?”

  1. Says:

    If Abe was Danish or Czech..etc.. would you be writing this article….why on earth does everything in politics come down to seperation of Americans…get real!

    Abe has lots of political warts…we all know it….we are over him….he would be imperfect if he was a rodeo clown or Lt. Governor. His race has nothing to do with it!!!

  2. Says:

    With all due respect, I think that Robert Bosich’s comments show that he missed the point of Meredith’s comments. I am sure that Meredith would agree that NO ONE with any common sense cares about the ancestry of our next Lieutenant Governor. Tax-raising, pledge-breaking Maldonado would be a horrible candidate whether his ancestors came from Norway or Brazil or anywhere else.

    Meredith’s point is that the Maldonado campaign itself has consistently emphasized his Latino race. Governor Schwarzenegger and the tiny handful of Republicans supporting Maldonado are completely fixated on race. They can hardly find anything to say about him besides the fact that his parents came from Mexico. How sad.

    We need to reject Senator Maldonado’s brand of racial politics and balkanization.

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Maldo is a one man wrecking crew against any and all conservative results we both need and desire.
    It is time to issue Spartacus his RINO hunting license and parachute him in to the Capitol.

    Next Maldo will be claiming to have invented the fish taco. I would have more respect for him if he returned the $16 Billion Dollars he helped steal from us in Feb.09. That $16 Billion Dollars if put into the hands of the private sector today, could create at least 185,000 long lasting jobs.

    These tax increases are like unto sanding against the grain on a piece of wood. For every sanding action against the grain, it takes ten with the grain to repair the damage.

    Lowering tax rates will both ignite our economy AND increase revenues to government over time.

    Maybe Maldo never took woodshop or studied the great depression.

  4. Says:

    No point was missed….abortion and race should be out of Republican politics…plain and simple…you want to keep looking like fools….be my guest!