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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Karl Rove Speech At Grand Opening of OC GOP’s New Permanent HQ

Last Saturday the Orange County Republican Party held the much-awaited grand opening of its new headquarters.  No longer is the OC GOP a renter — thanks to the hard work of OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh and a team of generous donors, the county party has now purchased a new building to house its permanent headquarters.  Located centrally in the county, in Tustin, the new HQ features state of the art technology, a large call center, and much more.

As astute followers of politics know, the past few days GOP strategist and former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove has been criss-crossing the Golden State pitching his new book, and helping GOP candidates, committees and causes.  Rove was the headliner for the OC GOP HQ opening, and I was there (I serve on the OC GOP Committee as the Alternate for Assemblyman Chuck DeVore) with the handy FlashFlipCam and recorded Rove’s entire speech (runs slightly over 30 minutes with the introduction from Baugh).  That video is below.

I also have included a clip of some video taken at the opening where the building was dedicated to the Frank Greinke family for their generosity (much of the down payment for this new HQ came from funds the party saved up for years while operating rent free in a Greinke-owned building).  Also, the conference room at the new HQ was dedicated in honor of super GOP volunteers Ron and Mary Young.  Ron passed away a few months ago.  Mary was completely overwhelmed at the honor, which you can see in the video…

Karl Rove Speaks & Opening Of New OC GOP HQ from Jon Fleischman on Vimeo.

2 Responses to “VIDEO: Karl Rove Speech At Grand Opening of OC GOP’s New Permanent HQ”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Jon, Thank you for filming this. I watched both videos and it was just like being there. I found it wonderful that the GOP down there honored their members with the two the wall area and the naming of the conference room.
    Karl Rove’s adress was both inspirational and encouraging. I wonder if any of my challengers are as committed to the growth and expansion of our party as you guys are down there.

  2. Says:

    What short memories Flash Report Junkies seem to have….King Karl gave us Amensty with grande gusto…..he gave us the incomepetence of VIRTUAL FENCES; how bout the horse trainer Brown who made FEMA the laughing stock of emergency preparedness; he did not see a government dollar he did not like ala compassionate socialism….and the propaganda associated with IRAQ was labored and continually suspect.

    Why do republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot….King Karl is on a book tour to line his personal pockets while you end up with a expensive foot stool for your toddler to go to the toilet!!!!