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Jon Fleischman

Rep. Jim Costa HEARTS Fidel Casto

Yesterday in Havana, Cuba, that country’s long time totalitarian dictator Fidel Castro praised the passage of the Obama/Reid/Polosi health care bill, calling it a, "miracle."


While it may disturb "normal" Americans that the head of a country where freedom and liberty are merely parts of whispered fables, there is one California Congressman who is undoubtedly quite proud of Castro’s encouragement.

Democrat Congressman Jim Costa, from California’s Central Valley, proudly displays a photo of himself with Castro on the wall of his Washington, D.C., office (see photo).

You have to wonder what other aspects of government-controlled life in Cuba that Costa is interested in bringing here to the United States…

4 Responses to “Rep. Jim Costa HEARTS Fidel Casto”

  1. Says:

    Some have a picture of Whitman on their wall….what does that make them….an animal lover….

    Species: RIONOETTE

  2. Says:

    This is a real issue. That man has caused suffering on such a large scale.

    He is the antithesis of the value and principal of freedom. There can be no explanation for this…

    Except of course that those in the statist wing of the Democratic Party only believe in a power of the ruling political class. I’ll never forget Chuck Schumer after the 2006 elections “This elected group of Democrats will rule for a generation.”

    Excuse me??? Americans are governed with consent NOT ruled.

    The controlling power of the Left and some on the Right need a constitutional lesson.

  3. Says:

    This is the same Jim Costa who is famous for authoring the bill to get rid of rent control? The fact he has a picture on his wall of his meeting with a famous world leader shouldn’t raise any more questions about him than a picture of Churchill and Stalin would have raised questions about Churchill being anti-communist.

  4. Says:

    Many of you have a picture of ARNOLD on your wall….what does that make you…..a fool?

    As they say……those who do not know history are going to repeat the same mistakes….

    Ask Coupal….he has drunk the cool aid endorsing the endless pockets swapmeet gal…