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Mike Spence

59th AD Watch: Recall, Endorsements, Debate and $$$$

Some significant events took place in the 59th AD GOP Primary race in the last couple of weeks.

On the endorsement front: The Recall Anthony Adams Committee announced support for Anthony Riley. This coupled with the Howard Jarvis endorsement gives him a couple of good district wide endorsements.

At the Lincoln Club debate last Friday Corey Calaycay announced support from his former boss Senator Bob Margett.

Chris Lancaster picked up LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich and the Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs. All are solid endorsements.

On the money end only Calaycay and Lancaster met the 50K threshold to file electronically. The difference between the two is about 50K. Lancaster loaned 100K and Calaycay loaned 50K. So far most of the money has been spent on slates. Lancaster does have Chris Jones on the payroll.

The Lincoln Club debate was not as heated as in past years. All but Tim Donnelly were able to attend. Ken Hunter, Chris Lancaster, Anthony Riley and Inver Bye all sounded conservative themes. Hunter’s grassroots campaign had RINO hunting licenses for people. Nice touch. I have a couple trophies on the wall myself. A couple close attacks, but that will wait for the mail. If they have the money?

It will take money and money fast to make this horse race.

Stay tuned….. for earlier posts start here.

12 Responses to “59th AD Watch: Recall, Endorsements, Debate and $$$$”

  1. Says:

    Ken Hunter deserves strong support from the Republican Party. He is not a RINO. He is a business man. He is not an insider. He has what it takes!!!!

  2. Says:

    Thanks Mike for keeping the most important Assembly race in the news. Also thanks to the Lincoln club for a great event. The race for the Fighting 59th is the most important Assembly race because Anthony Adams was effectively recalled for working with Democrats and breaking his word not to raise taxes.

    The key phrase to remember in this race is:

    Anthony Riley=Anthony Adams=Rino

    Anthony Adams had the backing of the political establishment. He worked with Democrats to punish working Californians with the biggest state tax increase in history. Anthony Riley has the backing of the political establishment. He also boasts of his Union endorsments. At the forum, Anthony Riley actually said he “would reach across the aisle to work with Democrats” and
    “reach out to the other party”. He repeatedly said he wanted reach a consenus. The only consensus Democrats want is to raise taxes and spending.

    Endorsments don’t mean a darn thing when a Republican candidate pledges in advance to work with Democrats whose only goal is to raise taxes and destroy California’s businesses.

    Chris Lancaster admitted that he had donated to Democrats to save his job. He was also recalled for raising taxes and fined by the CFPP for not disclosing $8000 just before he voted for another politician’s special interest project

    Ken Hunter is the Rino Hunter. When he gets to Sacramento, he will make sure we don’t have any defectors, like Adams. Ken was campaigning in October 2009. The other candidates only jumped after Adams quit. They are just looking to step up the ladder.

    Ken will work to get a Republican majority in the Assembly and then a Super Majority of 54 so that Republican policies of reduced taxes, spending and regulations can get pushed through Sacramento.

    Big money from special interests won’t mean a thing when Republican primary voters learn about Riley’s and Lancasters Rino tendencies.

    Go to Ken’s website:

    John Wurm – Campaign manager for Ken the Rino Hunter

  3. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Good report Mike. Two big points came out of the forum. First, Riley anwered all but two questions with he statement that he wants to build a conensus with democrats(5x) and reach across the aisle to find common ground with the democrats (3x). This is a red flag that he will indeed vote with democrats to raise our taxes in one for or another.

    Riley was a Director at the failed charter school in the high desert, where two of the directors have been indicted for embellezling $5.5 Million dollars from the school. One would think that Riley would have noticed that there were no chairs, books and toilet paper.

    Lancaster admitted to giving money to several democrats running for state office. He himself has been recalled for raising taxes by the citizens of Covina.

    Calaycay just wants to get along with everyone. The dems will turn him into the next Maldo in 15 minutes flat.

    Iver Bye does simply does not project a strong leadership vision for our party. We are republicans running in a primary.

    The voters also want leadership. They want a clean break from corruption connections. Our party, the Republican party needs leadership and a standard bearer.

    In the monochromatic world of politics, I will be a burst of color and light for our state and our party. I will fight to get us a 41 seat republican majority and then on to a 54 seat super majority where we can govern and return to policies of fiscal responsibility.

  4. Says:

    Thanks guys….I love RINO HUNTERS….you need no license and have no fear running out of them on this site puffing up incompetent attornies and lack luster spawn of career politicans.

    Anyone who writes a RINO puff piece on this site should be stongly rebutted….these hacks have ruined California…its gotta stop!!!

  5. Says:

    I see that those who decided to run after Anthony Adams quit are busy getting endorsements from professional politicians.

    Meanwhile, Ken Hunter has been attending council meetings in district cities to meet his constituents on a true grass roots level.

    Who do you think cares more about you, the individual taxpayer? Ken Hunter has my support.

  6. Says:

    Tons of hours, dollars and tears went into the recall campaign of Benedict Adams…..only to fall short due to an Iraqnista or Afghanism by the all knowing ruling class….

    Do you want to have GROUND HOG DAYS again in the 59th….. be careful COMRADES!

  7. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    No we will not be having a Ground Hog day in AD59. The establishments candidate selection anwsers nearly every question with a committment to build a consensus with democrats on every issue.

    My party needs to set the agenda and not accept the democrats agenda. Lets put them on the defensive. Lets call on them for being wrong. Lets call on them to defend their bad ideas.

    My idea of bi-partisanship is waving “bye-bye” to the democrats as they are pulling out of Sacramento.

    I will work hard to get us a 41 seat republican majority in the Assembly and then on to a 54 seat super majority. That is today the only goal worthy of a campaign.

    The voters want a clean break from corruption connections of San Bernardino County. They will not vote for another Postmus devotee.

    Lets win this one to move our party forward. That would be the Republican party.

  8. Says:

    There is another connection from the San Bernardino County corruption cases to the race for the 59th. Mark Uffer, who was fired without cause by the SB Supes earlier this year, has filed a $15,000,000 claim against the SB County, claiming he was fired for cooperating w/ the DA.

    Yesterdays article in the Press Enterprise says that Mark Kirk(Doe #4 in the Colonies indictment) and Anthony Riley’s old boss, pushed for more than 6 no bid contracts to promote the Chino airport in January 2008. An internal county e-mail said “This is geting out of hand”.

    The connection, according to Riley’s website, he was “assigned” in January 2008 to “attract” business to the county’s airports.

    I tried to find out from the County’s airports division what businesses were attracted as a result of Riley’s efforts. No one would talk to me. I have to go to personel next week to get the info.

    Where Riley goes, taxpayer dollars go.

    Colonies cost taxpayers 105 million, Riley got $5500 of taxpayer money.

    California Charter Academy allegedly cost 5.5 million stolen by Riley’s old bosses while Riley was the education director.

    Chino airport promotion cost taxpayers about one million while Riley was attracting business.

    Ken Hunter doesn’t take taxpayer money. Find out more about his campaign at

    John Wurm – Ken’s campaign manager

  9. Says:

    Ken Hunter’s campaign is in high gear. On Monday, Ken went to the Hesperia School Bd. meeting. The teachers are facing steep pay cuts. He proposed an idea to increase teacher take home pay, stop forcing teachers to pay Union dues. He circulated a petition to change the state law to allow teachers the freedom not to pay Union dues and got a very positive response.

    Anthony Riley is a school board member. He is having a very rough time. He skiped a meeting to attend an political fundraiser and the local newspaper had some very negative comments about his caring more about politicians than the economic crises in the district. One voter held up a sign that said “Recall Riley”. A local conservative radio talk show host is organizing a protest at a Riley fundraiser on 6/8.

    The Mark Uffer claim for 15 million dollars, linked to the Colonies scandal(Riley got $5500 of Colonies money) links Riley and his boss(Mark Kirk, Doe #4 in the Colonies indictment) to another possible corruption issues. SB County issued about 6 no bid contracts to promote the Chino airport just when Riley was assigned to promote business at the airport.

    Ken went to the Hesperia city council last night to talk about corruption in the SB county.

    John Wurm – Ken’s campaign manager

  10. Says:

    Ken Hunter’s campaign for the Fighting 59th and againist corruption is gaining momentum.

    Ken spoke at the Hesperia City Council Tuesday on his fight againist corruption and the battle to keep Sacramento from stealing money from local entities. The majority of the City Council sgrees with him.

    On Thursday, a vocal crowd of protesters gathered at an Anthony Riley fundraiser in Apple Valley. The signs held by the protesters said: “Riley = corruption” and “Riley = Adams”(referring to Anthony Adams who has donated to Anthony Riley).

    The protest was organized by High Desert radio talk show host Barb Stanton. Some photos of the protest can be seen at her website,

    Visit for more info on Ken’s campaign

    John Wurm – Ken’s campaign manager

  11. Says:

    More on the Anthony Adams = Anthony Riley connection.

    Shortly before Adams announced he was quiting the race for the 59th, Adams donated money to Riley.

    See – Adams for 2008.

    Adams = Riley = Rino

    John Wurm – campaign manager for Ken Hunter the Rino Hunter

  12. Says:

    Round 2 of Fight for the 59th is Friday 10am in Lake Arrowhead, Ken Hunter’s hometown. Ken’s supporters will be turning out big at the beautiful Lake Arrowhead Country Club, where the Lake Arrowhead Republican Women are planning a great event.

    Maybe there were be some answers about Colonies money, California Academy, Performing Arts Foundation, Chino Airport and flipping property titles.

    For reservations call Jody Atwood (909) 336-2576.